Chapter 27

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Chapter 28

Dear Readers of the High Society Gazette,

A great tragedy has befallen all in our humble city. Jake Dallas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas was thrown from his prized Polo mount at the past weekends match. The horse died instantly from an unknown cause. Much speculation alludes to heart failure due to poisoning. Jake Dallas was rushed to a nearby medical facility. We regret to inform you that he passed away a mere few hours after the incident. He suffered a severe blow to the head.

Much agony has plagued the Dallas home. Your attendance to his funeral would be most appreciated and uplifting to the family’s spirits. It will be held in Redwood Park under the oak tree at 4:oo pm this Sunday. Mr. Dallas also wishes to make it known that anyone holding any information concerning the accident and or tampering of the horse should contact him with much haste. A reward will be given.

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