Chapter 36

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Chapter 37

Tim Dallas POV

Sometimes a strange memory comes to you at the strangest of times. I remembered a time when Jake and I were running along a frozen lake. We were red faced and panting. Mother had told us to not go near the lake. Like typical boys we couldn't resist the temptation. Jake was only eight and I was eleven. I was supposed to keep him safe. I was the one that fell that day. I fell through the ice. I never knew how Jake saved me that day.

He couldn't swim and yet he was able to pull me out of the ice. We didn’t say one word about that day. For some reason this day kept replaying over and over again. He had saved me. This is what kept haunting me. The fact that I couldn't help him on the day he died brings me to tears.


"Yes mother."

"Please come sit by me."

Mother had become so attached to me. She would have me sit by her for hours; stroking my hair, holding my hand, humming lullabies.

"Don’t coddle him Marissa. Tim we need to talk."

"Yes father."

"I know this isn't the most ideal time, but there is something we need to discuss. You know I went on to further education after my high school year and it was my dream for you and your brother to do so as well."

This made my mother let out an audible sob.

"Let's continue our discussion inside my study."

I followed father into his study, worried about what we could possibly be discussing. He was silent for a few minutes. He tidied up his desk and poured us both a small glass of scotch.

"This tragedy has been hard on all of us, especially your mother. Jakes death and the scandal has been weighing heavily on her nerves. Right now we need to piece our family back together. I think it would be wise if you stayed home instead of going off to school. We need you to marry Elizabeth Weathers. If you do it will rid us of all the rumors between you and her. It will also discontinue the gossip about their money situation. Think of how this will help your mother Tim. She needs a distraction and a wedding would be a perfect one. Do you understand Tim? We need to unite the families."

"Yes father."

"It’s a lucky thing that Elizabeth is blue blood. Otherwise you wouldn't get your inheritance."

"Yes I suppose so."

"You’re a good son."

"Thank you father." I was happy yet somber. Elizabeth was the love of my life and she meant the world to me. We were going to be married. If she loved me she would do this for me. In my heart I knew she would.


Dear Readers,

Blue blood is an interesting set of words. It means wealth. People born into money are considered blue bloods. One would think Elizabeth was a blue blood. Tim and Elizabeth could go on and live happily ever after without a peep out of me. Do you think I could do that? Of course not! I told you the Weathers hurt me. Well there time to pay is soon to come. You my friends should just sit back and enjoy watching me bring the weathers down. Still haven’t discovered my identity. Let me give you another hint. I’m not a blue blood, no. Not one at all.


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