Chapter 34

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Chapter 35

Juliana POV

I had grown accustomed to life in California. It was so different living in this little town as opposed to life in the city. I had traded my gowns for more practical apparel and my jewels for sugar and flour. Jack and I have our own little house out in a lonely field right next to a lake. It feels like so much time has passed even though it’s only been six months.

I know I said I would never stop trying to escape, but days go by and you just have to deal with what you got.   I have to cook and clean and keep our little ranch going. My jewels got us some cattle. So I have to feed ranch hands, milk cows, and mend fences. If I do what I’m told then I won’t get hit. The first few days in California I spent crying and trying to run.  After receiving so many bruises I couldn’t walk, I decided to obey and try to live.

I still think about Derek. I long more than anything to be in his arms, although that part of my life fades with each passing day.

Elizabeth writes me often. I tell her I’m alright and she says she is ridden with guilt over my situation. She tries to convince me to run, but I know what Jack is capable of.

"Jenna has the mail arrived yet"? I had gone in the general store like I did every Wednesday. I would get the mail and pick up groceries. .

"Yes Juliana, I've got it right here."

"Why don’t you add some corn and flour to my bill as well."

"Juliana your bill is due this week, your credits about up."

"I'll get it to you."

I excitedly clutched the letter to my chest. I vowed I wouldn't open any of my sister’s letters until I had ridden all the way home. I didn't want to let myself want to hop a train. Jack was a pretty good husband and I no longer cringed when he touched me, but I knew he would track me down if I ran. He only became nasty when he took to drinking. Our little cabin was about a mile from the general store, post office, and train station. I swung onto my little brown mare Jack bought. I had grown to love California.

The rolling hills and endless water had such a enchanting air about it. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the old Juliana when I pass our small mirror. The rebellious beauty that had captured the attentions of many. My signature pale features were replaced by tanned skin and my hands creased with hard work. My back aches most nights.

I am up before the sun each day. It is strange to think of myself this way. I used to gallivant around with Derek, go to balls and drink champagne. I have to say this life is changing me. There is something so rewarding about seeing what your own hands can create. I just try to forget about why I’m here and who I'm with. When I first arrived I cursed my mother with every foul word and ill intentions. I’m trying to let go of hate.

I would be lying if I said it was easy. I have my ups and downs. Some days I'm happy and other days I miss my old life. I could see our small cabin just up ahead. It seemed that Jack and the ranch hands were about ready to come in, they would be expecting supper.

I hurriedly went inside and got everything ready. I got out the venison and bread, and even had some potatoes to offer them as a special treat.

The hearth was ablaze and I decided to mend some of Jacks clothes. It was sometimes hard to swallow that I had become domesticated. I then remembered the letter from my sister. I put it aside and decided to wait for later.

I heard the familiar thumping of feet walk up the porch, I shuddered. Sean, Clyde, and Jack came busting through the door whooping and hollering. They gave me a slight tip of the hat before settling down to eat. I kept my head down and continued my work, quickly hiding my letter.


My back stiffened. "Yes.”

"We want some more milk."

"Dear my back hurts. The pitcher is only a few feet aw-.”

"I said get me some milk."

The ranch hands looked away in shame. They both had wives that they loved waiting to be sent for back home. They never would treat them this way. I hobbled up to the milk pitcher. All of a sudden the last six months came flooding back, the beatings, the work, the treatment, and the slave labor. Why did I allow myself to be reduced to a meek church mouse? I had become everything I resented. I was that woman who obeyed her husband and acted like they didn't have their own voice. My mother was that way; Elizabeth was that way, and every other woman in New York.

Who was I kidding? I hated it here! I had been trying and trying to convince myself that everything was fine. Maybe if I pretended nothing was wrong I could dull the pain, just numb it away. This child needed an example, not someone to pity. I was sick and tired of playing little house wife on the prairie. Elizabeth’s words came back to me. Don’t stop fighting, don’t let them break you.

"How long is it going to take you, you worthless -.”

I took the entire pitcher of milk and dumped over his head.

"I told you its Juliana, not woman."

All went silent. I could feel the rage and tension enveloping in the room. Jack slowly stood his fist clenched at his side. The ranch hands stood ready to come to my rescue. Then the inevitable happened.  His fist came with such force across my cheek. The force caused me to fall to the floor.

"Don't move men, this woman needs to learn how to treat her man."

Whiskey reeked from his mouth; he was in one of his drunken rages.

"Sleep in the barn you miserable creature."

I gathered my shawl around myself and quickly ran outside. I cried my heart out. I cried for Derek, for Elizabeth and even Lydia. I cried until I was heaving and shaking. I laid down on a heap of hay. I wasn't going to lose myself again. I opened my sister’s letter carefully.

I gasped at its contents. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

Derek was coming for me. He was bringing me home.

 Dear Readers of the High Society Gazette,

It seems Mr. Weathers has lost his job, and Juliana is off in North Carolina. What is going on with the weathers? Are we in for riches to rags treat? Only time will tell.

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