00 | Prologue

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Most people say being different is a good thing, which they should be proud of the unique they had, but for me, it was a whole new story. I had known my entire life that I was different and it never bothered me of just how different I was with anyone else.

Until that day . . .

That day back in December, where everyone was making a preparation for a specific holiday known as Christmas. On that day, 25th December, it was also known as my birthday where each year I would celebrate it with my family and relatives even my grandparents. Granted, it was Christmas on that day.

Unfortunately . . . it didn't happened as what I wanted.

Never thought of coming home to meet with something other than my own family laying in their cold blood. I was in a shock state, unable to think while trying to process what was happening during my absence.

In the living room, there was my parents sitting on the couch with their hands intertwined together. My mom had a stab wound on her chest while my dad had his throat slits open, along with a hole on his abdomen, meaning he got shot by someone. The worst thing was their body were sewing together with red thread, making them leaning against each other with their dull eyes staring directly at me.

It was so terrified and I couldn't dare myself to look at them, afraid of never erasing the memory of their miserable death.

Then, I decided to check on my siblings and they were in same condition with a gun wound, along with a few stab wounds. Most of all, my brother received the worst damage with a total of twenty-eight stab wounds. From his current condition, I knew he was trying to protect our family and the wounds explained the murderer might be a professional killer or worst, an assassin.

My legs weakened, causing me to fall to my knees in sorrow. It was odd to find only them were targeted and not any of my relatives or my grandparents. Therefore, it make me wondering of where were they when my family were getting murdered by someone.

I couldn't think anything as my mind went blanks, staring at the floor which stained with my brother's blood. I refused to accept the fact of my family was dead but at the same time, my mind was starting to fill with anger thoughts of wanting to find this murderer.

I wouldn't stay still and doing nothing when I know I could avenge their death with the ability I had.

"There's no time to cry." I whispered to myself.

I stood up and slowly, moving closer to my brother before pulling him into a hug. Although he was covering in blood, I wrapped my arms around his cold body and let his blood soaked into my clothes. My hand placed on his head, stroking his soft black hair while resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Allen . . . I'll avenge their death including yours after I found out who is responsible for this action." I whispered, then placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I promise I'll torture them until they scream and begs for mercy." It was then I realized how this tragic event was slowly changing me from a kind and caring girl into a dangerous and deadly creature by a snap of finger.

My eyes glanced at the broken mirror laying on the floor and noticed my brown hair was slowly turning into white—not Marie Antoinette Syndrome—but it reminding me of an anime character who had his hair colour changed. At that moment, I started to feel a burning fire in my veins and everything shifted by a single wave from my hand.

At the very moment, I realized how much different I was, comparing to any other human in this world. I walked out from the room, heading to where my parents' bedroom. Opening the door, I stepped inside and didn't bothered to check the condition of this room as I went to their closet.

When I was a child, I used to hide in their closet for each time I played Hide and Seek with my dad. Pushing the clothes away, my eyes glanced at the wall behind it and rested my hand on the wall.

|: Voice Activation :| A voice appeared from behind it, which didn't surprising me at all.

"Irene 'Scarlet' Kanzaki." I answered, then backing away when the wall moved and opening an entrance for me to walk through.

I stepped into the secret room and stuffed a few things into my backpack such as money, fake ID card and a new phone. Those things were prepared for an emergency and I never thought of using it now when I was just reached seventeen years old. Well, I couldn't avoid this event but choose to run while chasing the murderer.

Then, I walked to the further right in the room to find a new set of outfits which had been designed for me. I heard sirens outside of my house and grabbed the outfits before running out from the room while commanding the computer to seal the room. My hands placed on the window and lifted it up before climbing out from the room.

Placing two fingers into my mouth, I let out a whistle while jumping off from the roof. Before I reached the ground, my boots landed onto a flat board and my body wobbled a bit. I recovered my balance and moved my left boot forward, pressing a switch for the hoverboard (picture above) to fly above into the sky.

Well, looks like this was going to be a new adventure and I thought I wouldn't use my ability again but . . . those filthy insects were forcing me to use it once again.

I would hunt them down and listened to their scream for mercy until they died in a very painful but slow death.

I promised that to myself and my family.


One thing to say is this book didn't follow any storyline from Transformers Prime and if you want to read more, you can search it in Quotev.

Have same username, so it will not be hard to look for it.

Also, leave vote if you like this book/chapter! I really wanted to try new things such as writing FanFiction and not One-Shots.

Hope you like reading this book :D

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