20 | Mission

409 7 4

Might not be the best chapter but hope you enjoy it :')


Third Person View

Usually, she would never woke up at four in the morning. Unlike any other members, she preferred to stay in the training centre and kept improving her ability until midnight. Each of them had a schedule to follow for every single days, where they would only receive food for breakfast and dinner. The leftover spots were for training. Almost half of the day was all about training until they got send to the recovery room due to broken bones and dehydration.

The young woman walked through the empty, plain hallway while tying her long platinum blonde hair with the help of a red ribbon. Her skin was pale and people would mistaken her as a sick person or lack of nutrients. Hence, they might thought of her as an albino but actually she wasn't. She doesn't know why but her appearance changed after receiving her own ability at the age of twelve.

"Where are you going, Erina?" She spun, seeing a young man approached her from the left hallway. Her icy blue eyes narrowed, inspecting his sudden formal uniform; white cloak with a hood, white pants and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Why does he also wore same uniform as her? Usually, it was for those who would be out for a mission. In fact, his rank was lower than her.

"That's actually my question, rookie. You aren't supposed to wear that uniform until next three years." The young woman spoke, sternly. "Geez. You're starting to act a little bit like Lieutenant Edison." He stated, which she ignored his reply. He shouldn't be here. He was still a rookie; not suitable for mission until they learned to control their ability, perfectly. "Better explain now, rookie." She said, almost sounding like an order.

"Lieutenant Edison informed me that Master is requesting my presence." A rookie like him? Why does their Master want to meet him?

"Very well. Then, we should continue and not let Master waiting for our arrival." With that, the young man followed her from behind. Her icy blue eyes glanced over her shoulder, inspecting his appearance from head to toe. He had black hair and a pair of unusual red eyes; almost similar with a ruby gem. Hence, he also had a pair of black headphone around his neck.

"What's your name?" It would be better to know his name if Master decided to give them a mission.

"Ah, my name is John Maxwell, No.401." The young man answered. "So, you're the newest member. What's your ability?" In response to that, he answered her question with ease.

"My ability is mind control. For now, I can control 5 people with my voice but only for temporarily." John explained. To put in simple words, it was actually a brainwash. If he managed to extend the time limit and the amount of people he could brainwashed, he would be unstoppable. He would be a good partner for her but she refused to stay with a rookie. Soon, they reached the elevator and immediately, the door slid opened as she hold up a card to the sensor.

"Becoming a Rank A does have their own advantage." John said, amazed. In response to that, the young woman ignored while stepping into the elevator along with the rookie. Her finger went pressing a button, leading them to a different floor where they shall meet their Master. The silence between the two was unbearable, and John desperately wanted to invoke some sort of conversation with his senior member who he always admired for years.

"So," John began. "Is it truly possible for someone to receive more than one ability at the same time?"

"Why did you ask?" Erina questioned his sudden curiosity. "I heard . . . some people say there is one member who have two abilities." John explained. "Therefore, I want to know if it's possible to-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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