09 | New Game

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"Impossible . . ."

Everyone was watching the video, where a mutant woman was accidentally blew the convenience store with her ability. Most of them were in shock, unable to speak a word from their mouth. I would be in the same situation if I was a normal Human without this unique ability. I walked to Rafael's laptop and paused the video to where the woman's face was visible under the camera but a bit blurry. "This was the accident that happened in few weeks ago." I stated. "As you can see, this wasn't a random explosion by terrorist or anyone. Just a girl, who get lost control over her ability." I added.

"So, you, Human, have an ability to fight?" Bulkhead asked, curiously. In response to that, I shook my head. "Not all of us." I answered. "Then, how did you obtain it?" Jack asked. "If only I could answer that question." I sighed, placing a hand on the hip. "What do you mean?" Acree questioned. "We don't know how but we can just say this unique ability appear out of nowhere to anyone but some of them are unable to obtain an ability and live like a normal Human." I answered. "We? What do you mean by that?" Rafael asked, curiously.

"My company is trying our best to identify the reason behind this weird phenomenal. Question keep appearing out of nowhere, asking how a Human able to obtain a power? Is it a gift from the God or . . . something that cause us to give an ability to defense ourselves?" I said, raising the confusion among them. "So, are you like super human? Am I going to get an ability? If so, I want an awesome power!" Miko rambled. Was this girl really didn't pay any attention to what I say? "I did say this is a random thing, where you can't choose when or what ability you want." I said, annoyed.

"Don't mind her. She's always like that." Acree said, earning a 'hey' from the Asian girl. Bumlebee whirred and clicked, which was really a difficult to understand what he was talking about. "He say what can you do?" Rafael translated. "A lot." I answered, shrugging my shoulders. "What it is?" He translated once again. I tried to decide which one was simple and less energy to show. Maybe levitating an object? Well, that didn't use too much energy at all.

Lifting my hand, I pointed towards the metal pipe, which was laying on the ground before suddenly, it glowed in red aura. The kids gasped, watching the pipe been lifted off from the ground. "Awesome!" Rafael said, amazed. "Only that?" Miko asked, disappointed. "The more I use, the more energy I transfer to lift an object or use to fight someone." I replied, annoyed. This girl was really a troublesome kid! More than Jack if I had to decide the most troublesome one.

"Then, can you list down?" Rafael asked, innocently. Aw~This boy was cute! I smiled, slowly calming my anger towards Miko. "Well, I can levitate and bending an object, reading mind, and controlling someone." I answered. "Like mind control?" Miko asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's involving those transparent strings, right?" Acree questioned, remembering her fight with Knockout.


"It's similar with levitation but the strings are too thin, so you might or not be able to see it." I explained. "It must be awesome to control someone like a puppet!" Miko exclaimed. No. It wasn't fun at all. Imagine yourself been controlled by someone and did something terrible. What would you do? I wanted to say those words to her but went against it, thinking a child like her wouldn't understand the torture of having an ability that might went out of control if you couldn't use it properly.

"Well, it's fun to be here but I have to go now."

"You can't! The Decepticon will come after you!" Jack said, concerned. "I'm not a normal Human, so I can protect myself." I said. "Jack is right, Irene." Optimus intervened. "You need a guardian to protect you from the Decepticon." I sighed, turning at him. "With all due respect, you all will just get in my way." I stated. Okay. That might be sound like a little bit of rudeness. "What did you just say?!" Miko exclaimed. "Like today, I could defeat Knockout if it wasn't because of Acree and Jack. Too much people to protect." I answered.

"Then, you're free to leave." Ratchet gestured, opening the portal once again. "Ratchet!" June scolded. "It's okay." I stepped forward, then stopping myself. "Also, don't need to worry about exposing your base." I pointed my index finger at my head. "I can erase my own memory as a precaution if you want." I added. "Am I the only one who think she have the similar power with Wanda Maximoff except controlling people?" Miko whispered, which I could heard it from a distance. You were not wrong, girl. I also thinking I was some kind of another Marvel character, who accidentally came into the wrong universe.

"Well then, see you next time or not." Then, I walked through the portal and teleporting me to the house, my temporary house. Allen would be happy, knowing his idea of creating a portal was possible. I could imagine him asking the bots, getting information of how to create his first portal. Man . . . I really missed him a lot. I was about to walk to my room until I spotted an odd card laying on the table in the living room. Slowly, I approached it and taking the card into my hand. Soon, I gasped, noticing the card was another clue card, same with the previous one!

How did they manage to get into the house?

I flipped it over, seeing more words but most of all, it say 'congratulation'.

Congratulation, Irene Kanzaki.

『 The Tour 』is finished. You've finally getting know your ally and opponents.

Next game is going to have a limited of time.

The rules is simple.

If you're able to finish a game, we'll give another hint.
If you lose, one of your precious friend will DIED.

You have a week to find 『 Katelyn Jackson 』

W—What?! How the hell did this person know my name?! The worst thing was this game was turning into a dangerous one! Losing the game and someone would die? What a psycho! Unfortunately, I don't know who was going to die. I had a week to find this mutant woman but . . . how? I don't know how to track her down especially with the lack of information. Then, I decided to do a simple choice.

Calling Daniel.

I contacted Daniel and waited for him to pick up. After few seconds, he answered the call with a raspy voice.

"Ugh . . . What do you want?"
"Stop sleeping and help me, Daniel. We have an emergency."
"What kind of emergency?"
"One, who can lead us to many deaths."
"I'm interested. What it is?"
"We need to find Katelyn Jackson in a week or else someone will die."

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