08 | Meeting The Autobots

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"Irene, look out!"

Quickly, I created a shield in front of me but it shattered into pieces as soon as the beam collided with it. I gasped in shock, noticing the beam was stronger than I thought. Another one was coming at me and I managed to defense myself but the situation repeated with the shield kept breaking on me. I was getting exhausted from overused energy because using my mind to generate a shield took more energy than transferring through my hands. Hence, I was trying to hold Cherry down, meaning I was using lot of energy to perform different movement.

The enemy was getting closer to me in the sky and I avoided but the wind pushed me, causing my balance went off. I was almost fall off from the hoverboard but as usual, the world hate me. I felt a tug from my hands and the next thing that happened was my body was falling to the ground, creating a crack while I gasped from the impact. I think I broke a few ribs from the high fall.

"That's truly an impressive technique there." I rolled over, lifting my head while narrowing my eyes at Cherry in front of my timid body. "But not strong enough to stop me." He destroyed the transparent strings and opening his servo, letting them dropped to the ground. "You'll be a worth specimen to study your human anatomy." I growled, slowly pushing myself off from the ground. "Over my dead body, Cherry." I smirked, wiping the blood from my lips. He frowned, disliking his new nickname but grinning as soon as his right servo transformed into a buzz saw.

"With pleasure."

"Stay away from her, Knockout!" Cherry backed away, avoiding from getting shot by the beams. Acree stood in front of me, protectively with her blasters pointed at him. "You shouldn't be out here!" In response to that, I clicked my tongue. "Is that how you treat your saviour?" I growled, then hissing in pain due to some broken ribs. I might had an ability and stronger than normal Human but I was still a Human! I don't had an ability of regeneration like Deadpool. "Also, you own me for saving your life twice." I added.

"Jack, take her away!" Really? She ignored me? Next time, remind me to not saving her ass again.

Jack ran towards me and dragging me to a hiding spot while Acree took care of Knockout; his real name. He inspected my wound and asked for a permission to lift my shirt to see the condition. "Only the wound. More than that and I'll kill you without a second thought." I threatened. Slowly, he nodded his head with fear before looking at my wound. He gasped and my eyes glanced at my wound, noticing it was a big bruise in purple. "Shit. This is worse than my mission at California." I whispered, realizing how bad it was.

"W—What was that, Irene? You have powers?!" Of course he was talking about my little show and not talking about my injury. "I'll explain later but does she have a back-up?" I asked. She must had some back-up plan like requesting for help from her friends? Jack nodded at my question and told they were on their way but the battle went worst when more robots appeared on Knockout's side. "Five against one? Acree is going to get herself killed!" I exclaimed. I wanted to help her but I couldn't do anything with this bruise.

Then, I heard something before seeing a portal appeared out of nowhere. "They're here!" Jack said, relieved. Soon, a green bulky robot ran out and punched the purple robot down with a metal ball. "Back-up is arrived!" The green robot stated. Two more came out and defeated their enemy except the red cherry robot. "Surrender now, Knockout!" Knockout growled and then, transforming into his vehicle mode before driving away.

Tch. Coward.

"Optimus, we have a witness." Acree said, walking to the red-blue robot, which was larger than them. Jack helped me by supporting my weight to step out from our hiding spot. The yellow robot clicked and whirred, which I was so confused of why he couldn't speak properly like the others. "Yes. This is the human I mentioned in my report last night." I let out a chuckle, ignoring the pain from the broken ribs. "Already talking about me?" I asked, playfully.

'Optimus' placed a digit beside his head, talking to someone. "Ratchet, contact Miss Darby. We have an injured human here." He stated. "June?" I looked at Jack, who slowly laughing with nervous. "I . . . will explain everything." He replied, then I nodded my head. "Can you walk?" Acree asked. "I guess . . ." I said, unsure. Soon, Jack helped me climbing onto Acree in her vehicle mode and we drove into the portal with my hoverboard followed behind us. As soon as we came out from the portal, my stomach started to feel uneasy.

Was this the side effect of walking through a portal?

"Irene?!" I hopped off from the bike with the help of Jack and waving my hand at June, who stared at me with shock. "Hey June." I said, calmly. She escorted me to a bed and asked me to lay down while checking my ribs. "It seem you broke a few ribs." She stated. "No shit, Sherlock." I mumbled, already knowing that. She grabbed her bag and took out a bottle before pouring it onto her hand. "What the hell is that?!" I backed away, noticing the odd green liquid coming out from the bottle.

"A medicine."

"Why does it look weird and . . . sticky?!" She sighed with frustration. "It's your creation. How should I know why?" My eyes blinked with confusion, didn't know what she was talking about. Without a word, she rubbed the liquid over the bruise and I hissed in pain as if my body was burning. Then, I felt nothing in the next second. I sat up and checked the bruise to see the colour went back from purple to its normal skin colour. Soon, I was hit with realization and let out a sigh. "Melissa's medicine?" She nodded her head. "Man . . . That thing sure hurt like hell." I jumped off from the bed.


I turned my head, seeing a group of robot and teenager who looked at me with astonishment. "What?" I asked, then the Asian girl pointed a finger at me. "Just a second ago, you broke a few ribs! How did you able to walk normally?!" She exclaimed. "I agree with Miko of how did you recover so fast?" Acree questioned.

"Oh, I'm using this." Showing the bottle, which I took from June. "What is that?" The white and orange robot, asked with curiosity. "That's a secret and a story for another time." I said, refusing to share information. This medicine wasn't a normal one because it was created by my company and wasn't ready to sell at the local clinic or hospital. "Now, would someone explain what is happening?" Optimus stepped forward, volunteering himself to explain.

He explained everything from A to Z, telling there was a war happened between two fraction; Autobot and Decepticon. The one who broke my ribs was Knockout, a medic of Decepticon. Here I thought he was just more than a medic because he didn't look like a fucking medic! Excuse me for using such a bold language but it was true! In my opinion, he looked like a person or bot who was suitable as a soldier rather than a medic . . . if they had ranking status.

Do they?

Anyway, back to the story.

Optimus introduced himself as the leader of Autobots and then, introducing his teammates. "This is our medic, Ratchet." He gestured to the white and orange bot. "Our wrecker, Bulkhead." The green bulky bot shyly waved at me. "Our scout, Bumblebee." The yellow bot waved, excitedly. Look like we had a kid over here. "And you already meet Acree." Acree stood still with her hand placed on the hip. "Here's our human charges, Jack, Miko and Rafael." Optimus pointed at the kids and I nodded, absorbing all of these information. "It's very nice to meet you." I said, politely.

I might be a cruel and heartless human being or mutant but I know how to respect especially towards a leader!

"Now, care to explain what was that?" Jack asked, stepping forward. I let out a sigh, knowing I had to tell them after making a promise of explaining what was happening including my ability. "Then, do you know about this?" I took out my phone, searching through the files and show a picture of the previous news. "That random explosion?" Rafael asked, which I nodded in reply. "Actually, it wasn't a normal explosion." Soon, I threw my phone to him and he caught it in his hands, surprisingly.

"Can you display the video onto the big screen?"

Without a word, Rafael grabbed his laptop and attached my phone. While waiting for it, Acree asked a question. "Just who are you actually?" Curiosity. That was what everyone was looking at me with. A separate world, which they didn't know about it but it wasn't the perfect moment to express everything.

"That'll be a story for another time but what I can say for now is I'm not your enemy."

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