06 | Changes

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Daniel's Pov


I flinched from the sudden smack onto the table, looking at the huge stack of papers in front of me. "How many times do I need to tell you?! These paperwork need to be done by this week!" A woman yelled, crossing her arms with anger showing on her face. "I-I'm sorry! I m-might accidentally get l-lost in time . . ." I apologized, nervously. "You really need to fix your damn schedule, kid. If you keep this behavior, I'll report to President about your late work! Understand?!" She said, sternly.

"Y-Yes, Miss!"

She huffed, then walking towards the door before stepping out from my office. I sighed and slowly, looking through the paperwork with laziness. Almost all of them were talking about rogue mutants and as a hacker—also, an inventor but mostly into hacking stuff—I was giving a responsibility to track them down or getting information about them. I really wished for Irene to finish her personal mission soon because I couldn't stay here by keep doing paperwork; mostly her paperwork.

Suddenly, I received a notification on my phone and my eyes glanced at the screen, seeing a message from Irene. Speak about that devil. Grabbing the phone, I unlocked the password and read the message. "Time for second job." I stood up from the chair, then walking towards one of the wall at the left side from my table.

"Open it, Axia."

A small part of the wall lifted up, revealing a hand-print scan. I placed my hand on it, letting the system scanned and the screen turned green.

|: Scan Complete. Welcome, Daniel Middleton. :| My A.I system, Axia, spoke.

The wall started to move as I stepped into the dark room before it closed behind me. "Lights here." I clapped my hands. The lights switched on as I walked towards a table with a few computers (below) in front of me. Taking a seat near the table, I placed my headphone over my ear and a video chat appeared on one of the screens.

 Taking a seat near the table, I placed my headphone over my ear and a video chat appeared on one of the screens

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"You're late, Daniel."

"I have a lot of work." I rolled my eyes, then tapping something on the keyboard. "I see. Then, let's get back to our work." Irene said, which I nodded in reply. "So, you're looking for some information about that mysterious mutant woman?" I questioned.

"Yes. I was unable to find any useful evidence but I did found this at the crime scene."

I received a picture and opened it to see a candy wrapper. "A candy wrapper?" I raised an eyebrow. "I found it when I was taking pictures for you." She answered. Seriously? That thing could be a trash from someone who got blow away by the wind. "I know what you're thinking but would you please look for any fingerprints on it?"

"Sure. Why not?" I scanned the candy wrapper and found a fingerprint on it before letting the system to check every fingerprint for a perfect match. "While we're waiting for that, is there anything else you want?" I asked. She lowered her head, having a deep thought about the question. "I have." She answered. "Do you remember the footage I sent?" I nodded, remembering which footage she was talking about.

"What is your opinion based on it?"

I placed a hand on my chin, thinking about what I thought of that video. "From what I see, that woman was hiding something and she seem scared, plus shocked when using her ability like it was her first time." I answered. "That's what I thought. Do we have any record of her?" I sighed in reply. "If I have, we wouldn't having hard time to look for her." I replied.

She blinked her eyes before nodding her head. "Yeah . . . My bad."

|: Sir, we have found the perfect match. :| Axia spoke with her usual calm voice.

I turned my head, looking at the screen to see the perfect match including the information about the woman. "Who is she?" Irene asked, knowing I had found it. I looked through the information and frowned. "It looks like she doesn't exist." I replied. "What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow in confused. "I mean . . . there's nothing except her name." I answered.

Her eyes widened in shock. "Impossible. Everyone have their own information!" She stated. "Well, maybe she have someone to look after the profile by hiding some information away from us." I shrugged my shoulders. "So, you're telling me that . . . there might be someone else involved with this?" She questioned.


My eyes glanced at her, noticing she was deep in her thought for once again. "How's Jasper?" I randomly asked. "What?" She asked. "I asked-"

"I know what you're asking but why are you suddenly asking that?"

"Is it wrong to worry a young cute girl like you?" She rolled her eyes at me. "I'm not cute." She stated, which I chuckled in reply. "Answer my question, Irene." I said, getting back to the topic.

"Well . . . everything's fine here, minus with the mysterious woman."

"The family?"

She sighed while having a smile on her face. "They're nice. I can tell they're a good person even though Jack had a secret." She answered. "Want me to find his secret?" I smirked. "As much as I love to do that but . . . no. I respect his decision. He'll reveal his secret when the time comes." She said.

"You look happy."

"Huh?" Irene asked, confused. "Your eyes . . . They changed." I said, softly. "What do you mean?" She asked, getting confused. "I mean . . . your eyes was usually emotionless even though you're happy, sad or anger. They didn't reflect anything but now, I can see a slight of happiness behind them." I smiled.

She surprised for a second and then, smiling. "I guess . . . this town really changed me." She said. Soon, the smile disappeared and replaced with a scowl. "But it will not change my goal of avenging my family's death. I'll search for this murderer and kill her/him by my own hands." Once again, her eyes went emotionless and I frowned. She shouldn't experienced something like this especially a young girl. Who would thought that the death of her family would fall on her birthday?

From a happy and cheerful girl . . . changed into a cruel and heartless girl after one unfortunate accident.

Then, I heard a voice from the other side. "Well, look like I have to go." Irene said. "See you next time?" I said but turned into a question. She smiled and nodded her head. "We will." She cut off the video and I was greeted with the black screen. I let myself leaned against the chair and looked at one of the screens in front of me with a frown.

I stared at it for a few minutes and a question appeared in my head.

"What's so special about her?"

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