04 | What's Your Wish?

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"So, you're telling me we have a mutant situation?"

Agent Fowler nodded. "A convenience store just exploded this morning but there wasn't any evidence of using bomb, leading to a conclusion of this accident was made from a mutant!" He replied, then taking out his phone. "Here's the footage we received from the security camera."

I grabbed his phone and watched the video on the screen, showing a woman in hood stepped into the store. She was looking around, then walking to the shelf and shoved a few things into a black bag.

Ah, so this mysterious woman was a thief?

The cashier noticed and walked at her, talking with anger. I could see how his body language was showing he was angry of her stealing the stuffs without paying them. She tried to fight him and then, my eyes widened when she pushed him but not a normal push. She shot out flame from her hands, pushing him through the shelves.

She seem shocked by glancing at her hands. Soon, she ran away with the bag. "You're a liar, Agent Fowler. The store didn't exploded!" I stated. "Well, she did murdered that man." He defended, which I rolled my eyes in return.

I reversed the video and paused at where her face was visible on the camera. She looked young but not a teenager. A college student? Then, I paused at where she killed the cashier. She was really a mutant but based on her expression, that was her first time using her ability. This woman doesn't know anything especially what she had in her body.

"What do I get in return?" I asked. I wasn't a person who wandered around, recruiting some mutants because that wasn't my main priority. I was here to find the next clue but I didn't received anything for two weeks. "Save her from using her ability for crime?" He replied but turning into a question by itself.

"That isn't a good answer, Agent Fowler." I said, throwing his phone. He was able to catch it in surprise and scolded for throwing his stuff without telling first. "Also, this is a job for Aztec to capture or recruit them."

"I already contacted them but they were busy! Talking about chasing a mutant with dark ability!" Agent Fowler exclaimed with frustration. Well, I couldn't blame them because they were REALLY busy. After they received the news about Dad's death, they were motivated to capture this killer for revenge. Aztec was a team of mutants, which Dad helped them from turning into a weapon for the government.

Their priority was to protect the Humans from any mutants, who decided to use their ability for evil purpose.

"How about your 'special' team?" I asked, referring to his 'classified' team. He refused to tell me anything and I was too lazy to use my ability because if I use it for a longer period of time, I would get a headache as a side effect. "They aren't suitable for this kind of mission, Irene." He answered, simply. "Is that why you come for me?" I asked, earning a nod.

"Well, today is your unlucky day." I said, taking out my hoverboard. "I refused to get myself involved with this mutant when it doesn't give any useful information about my family's death." I jumped onto it and flew into the sky, ignoring his protest. I knew it was rude but that was my decision, so he couldn't forced me to work for him. I had to focus on looking this murderer and the one who took my victim.

My eyes glanced at the sun, seeing it was setting down and the sky turned into a combination of orange and violet. The stars were starting to become visible in the sky. I frowned, remembering the memory I had with my brother. We used to watch constellation and stargazing in every weekend.

"I'll avenge your death . . . I promise."


"This store didn't look too bad."

I was standing outside of the store, where the flaming woman killed the cashier, in the middle of the night. I had my flashlight, stepping over the yellow tape and started the investigation by searching for any evidence. I saw the broken wall, where the victim been throw through it and died in instant. He might received some broken bones and damaged his brain or burned alive from the attack.

Walking to the shelf, I noticed the mess and realized this was where the woman stole. Most of them were candies and junk food?

I sighed. "This woman is weird." I mumbled, continuing the investigation. I checked behind the counter and saw a gun underneath it. This store sure had its own protection if someone decided to rob the store. Then, I stopped when seeing a red card on the floor.

Another clue!

Taking the card, I flipped it and reading the content before raising an eyebrow.

One, who wish to protect. 』
『 One, who wish to rule. 』

『 What's your wish? 』

'One, who wish to protect' and 'One, who wish to rule' ? What does it mean by that? I was guessing those who want to protect was the good guy while the other was the bad guy but it was just a thought. 'What's your wish' was making me confused. Was I suppose to choose or asking for my own wish?

Then, I suddenly jumped when hearing a song but it was actually coming from my phone. I forget to set it in vibrate mode. I looked at the screen, seeing it was a call from Daniel. I answered the call and pressing the phone against my ear.

"Do you get anything?"
"No. The firewall is too strong for me to break through."
"Then, why did you call me?"
"I heard from Team Aztec about a special agent reported a case which involving a mutant in Jasper."
"Yes. I'm at the crime scene right now but didn't found anything except for this mutant took some candies and junk food."
"Why would she need that?"
"I don't know but would you mind tracking this mutant?"
"Not a problem. Send me the picture and I'll track her down."
"I'll ask Agent Fowler for the video."

Then, I hang out the call. I send a message to Agent Fowler, requesting for the video and ended my investigation by stepping out from the store. If I found this card at the store, then this woman might—

"Wait . . ." I stopped, remembering something. "How did Daniel knew this mutant is a woman?" I whispered to myself.

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