12 | Plans

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"You can't be serious, aren't you?"

I shrugged my shoulders, continuing reading the magazine about sport cars in my hands. "I don't know. I was having a hard time, thinking whether I should inform the others about a mutant is working with the Cons' or not." I replied, flipping to another page. I could heard Daniel sighing behind me as he walked to the couch, taking a seat near my legs. "So, should I?" I questioned, glancing at him from underneath the magazine. "Well, it's a wise decision to inform them but also useless at the same time." Daniel answered. I recalled back the memory I had when fighting against Katelyn Jackson. From the previous event, she was a mutant with fire elemental and her weapon was a whip for long-range attacks.

With the whip, she could transferring her ability through it to turn into a flaming whip. A very creative weapon and interesting technique.

"Then, do you have any ideas?" I asked. In response to that, Daniel shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not a friend of them, so I can't provide any ideas on what to do." He added. "What if I bring you to them?" I suggested. "No. I think having four Humans are enough than having one more." Daniel rejected. I rolled my eyes, and then continuing reading the magazine until I stopped on one page, which had similar appearance with Cherry. Only that robot had beautiful paint job other than those boring purple robots.

"That's really a nice sport car there." Daniel complimented, lowering the magazine for him to see. Suddenly, I got an idea but might be a dangerous one. "Can you help me?" I asked, causing him to raise an eyebrow with confusion. "Um . . . Depends on what kind of your request." He replied.

"I want to make a call with someone. Rafael Esquivel."

He blinked his eyes with confusion but soon, he nodded his head. He went grabbing his bag from my room and took out his laptop, doing his work on finding Rafael Esquivel's phone number. Few minutes later, he managed to find the number and I thanked him before dialing for Rafael. I waited for Rafael to pick up and after ten seconds, he did.

"Hey Rafael. Am I disturbing something?"
"Um . . . no. Who are you?"
"It's me, Irene."
"How did you get my number?"

"You're not the only hacker here, Rafael Esquivel." I smirked, glancing at Daniel who was only smiling in return.

"Okay . . . How can I help you?"
"I need some information on Knockout."
"Why do you—"

"Be a good boy and tell me, Rafael."
"Um . . . From what I heard from the others, Knockout don't like his paint job get mess up by someone."
"So, he's a narcissistic?"
"Yeah . . . You could say that. Other than that, he loves street racing—"
"That'll be enough. Thank you for your assistance, Rafael."

Before Rafael could say anything, I ended the call and looked at Daniel, who was waiting for the answer to my solution. "We're going on a street racing tonight." I explained. "And where is that?" Daniel asked, raising an eyebrow. I grabbed his laptop and projected a map on the screen before inserting the coordinates. "Here." I pointed and he looked at the location.

"Not bad but where are we going to get a suitable car for this race?"

"I have my ways." I smirked, waving my phone at him. He tilted his head, puzzled with my plan of getting that mutant woman.


"How . . . in the world?!" Daniel was flabbergasted, staring at the beautiful blue sport car, which parked outside of my temporary house. "Don't let any flies go into your mouth." I said, placing a finger underneath his chin to close his mouth. He was in a shock state, where he couldn't construct any sentence on what to say except staring at it. "Told you that I have my way." I winked, hopping into the driver's seat. Soon, he was in his normal self and ran towards me. "Where did you get this?!" He exclaimed, referring to the car.

[A/n: Well, the internet say Hennessey Venom F5 is the fastest car in the world 😶]

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[A/n: Well, the internet say Hennessey Venom F5 is the fastest car in the world 😶]

"A friend of mine."

"Damn! He/She must be so rich!" Daniel said, disbelief. "Come in, hacker boy." He hopped into the passenger's seat and I turned the engine on before grabbing the wheel. "Let's give it a try, shall we?" I pressed the pedal and we drove around the town as our race track. It was really amazing especially the speed, which might be able to defeat Cherry tonight. We decided to stop at Jack's workplace for our lunch and I stepped out from the car to hear a whistle from someone.

"Look like you get yourself a fan." Daniel teased, which I replied with a glare. We walked into the restaurant and picked our table before looking at the menus. "So, what do you want?" I asked. "I really want this." He pointed and I nodded. I turned my head, searching for someone and I raised up my hand. "Take our order, Jackie-boy!" I called. A few customers snickered while Jack looked at me with a glare before walking towards us.

"Don't call me that!"

"Is it about that day? You know I did that for your own safety." Jack sighed, taking out his notepad. "What do you want?" He asked. Ugh . . . He was same with Acree by ignoring me. Those two were so perfect as partners. "This." Daniel ordered, pointing at the menus. Jack wrote it down and looked at me. "This, this and this." His eyes widened in shock before slowly nodding his head. He must be thinking how am I going to consume all of them.

Daniel chuckled. "I see you're still love eating more than one like usual." He stated. "I'm hungry, so of course I eat more for energy." I replied. "How are you going to defeat this . . . Cherry?" He questioned. "Mostly, I will cheat by using my technology to increase the booster. Next, I'll try to get some information of Katelyn Jackson from his mind. Cybertronian's mind might be the hardest thing to hack through, so I trust you to do it." I explained. "Is that even possible?" He raised an eyebrow. In response to that, I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's 50-50 chance that it'll work or not. After all, they're some advanced alien robots."

He thought about it, and then he sighed. "Alright. I hope you're right about this." He said, agreeing with the plan. "Since when I'm wrong?" I smirked.

"When you follow the recipes to bake a cupcake but end up creating a cement cupcake."

We stared at each other with silence, not knowing what to say until I sneakily moving my leg and gave a hard kick to his private part. The next thing that happened was his head placed on the table with his soul slowly flying out through his mouth.

 The next thing that happened was his head placed on the table with his soul slowly flying out through his mouth

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"U—Um . . . Is he okay?" Jack asked, bringing the food. "He's fine. Just sleeping." I smiled, innocently. He lowered the tray and gave our food before quickly, leaving our table. "Eat up, Daniel." I said, kicking his leg.

"Y—You're . . . s—such a cruel . . . g—girl . . ."

"Hmm . . . Maybe I should cut that tongue off."

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