15 | Shirayuki

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"This base is really huge, comparing to the previous one."

I sighed, slightly turning my head at the unknown white haired girl. "Are you suppose to be inside of my head?" I questioned. It was really a surprising when she suddenly appeared from out of nowhere after the flaming girl went out for hours. The little girl walked around while inspecting the small dark room. With her appearance, it was totally hard to not seeing her through the darkness especially her white hair and pale skin. "Why would I do that? I prefer step out from your tiny brain and explore the outside world." The little girl answered to my previous question. "Who did you call 'tiny brain', huh?!" I exclaimed, struggling against the metal straps.

I really wanted to break out from these strap but for some unknown reason, I couldn't break it with my ability. My only guess was their metal might be stronger than our own metal on Earth, meaning I might had to use more energy on breaking them. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that or else I would receive the side effect for using too much energy. That would be really troublesome.

"Can you at least help me out rather than wandering around?" I asked, directing to the little girl. In response to that, she let out a chuckle. "What will I get in return?" She questioned, glancing at me with those glowing red eyes. She was definitely not a normal little girl. Hold on for a second. She lived inside of me. Therefore, am I also not a normal teenager? Now, it was getting confusing and it might be unnecessary to think about it at the moment.

"What do you want as a return?" I asked, staring into her eyes. She placed a finger on her chin in a thinking manner. Then, a smile created upon her face but it wasn't just a normal smile. "I want your body." She answered. Great, we had a psychopath here. "That's definitely a 'no' answer for that." I stated, bluntly. "Think about this, Irene. We're the same person but I'm stronger than you." Slowly, she approached me and stood in front of me with her hands rested on the armchairs. "With my ability, I will be able to get you out of here but," She chuckled at herself, which nearly shivering my body due to her crazy look in the eyes. "I can't promise that it might get messy here. They're not a human but is it fun if we change this boring colour into more appealing one? Maybe blue will do. After all, they have blue blood inside of their body." I was seriously don't know what to say about this crazy offer. How the heck did I manage to create her deep inside of my mind?

Am I secretly a psychopath?

The little girl wanted to say something but quickly disappeared when someone entered the room. "I thought you already left me here alone in this boring prison." I stated, causing Katelyn to roll her eyes as a reply. She approached me and went to the back before I hissed in pain, feeling something sharp pricked into the back of my neck. "What the hell are you doing?" I growled, having a weird feeling through my entire body. She revealed a syringe in her hand before throwing it aside, breaking the glass into pieces. "Just disable your ability." She answered, simply.

She what?!

Soon, she unlocked the straps and pulled me up by grabbing my arm, roughly. "I can do it by myself." I jerked my arm while glaring into her eyes. Once again, she rolled her eyes at me and escorting me out from the room. I blinked my eyes with confusion when we suddenly stepped into another room but larger than the prison. "Where the hell are we?" I questioned. "Silence or else I will burn your tongue." Katelyn threatened, summoning the flame in her hand. Oh no, I'm so scared right now. Note the sarcasm.

"Can I at least know where are we going?" With that, she sighed with frustration. "We're going to see Lord Megatron." One thing I refused to do before finding the murderer was meeting this tyrant, who created this unnecessary war on this planet.

We walked towards the edge of the desk and she jumped down, using her flame to control her landing. "I can't jump from this height, idiot." I said, looking at the height. "Why? Is the genius Irene scare of jumping down from fifteen feet?" Of course I couldn't jump from that height, you idiot. With you disable my ability, I would die instantly or not but still, I would receive broken legs. My eyes looked around, searching for something to survive from this height.

"Would you need my help?" I jumped from the sudden voice but slowly, calming my heartbeat. "Are you crazy?! Don't surprise me like that, Shirayuki!" I exclaimed but whispering to not attract Katelyn's attention. "Shirayuki?" The little girl asked, tilting her head with confusion. "I can't keep calling you 'little girl', therefore I need a suitable name for you. Pale skin and white hair. Shirayuki is the suitable name for you as it mean 'Snow White'." I explained. She tried pronouncing the name for a few times before smiling at it.

"Shirayuki. I like that name." Shirayuki said, happily.

"So, what can you do actually if I want your help?" I questioned, wanting to know the difference between our ability. "My ability is A Touch of Death. Basically, whatever I touch especially a living being, they will have a black rose mark and slowly, they will die in about 10 minutes." Man, that was totally a terrifying ability there. "I did say before that we have same ability, right? Well, I can use the telepathy ability to steal their memory. Other than that, I can cast an illusion based on their fear to weaken their mind and strength." Shirayuki explained. Looks like I created the most dangerous person in my mind and had an ability to kill anyone. What the hell I was thinking back there before having her in my head?

"I can show an example." Then, she started walking to the edge of the desk. "Hey! Wait up—" My eyes widened in shock, watching her lifting her palm at Katelyn. "Scream." Katelyn gasped while clutching her head while her body shaken with fear. "What the hell did you do?!" I shouted, seeing the ring of flame formed around her. "I'm showing her worst fear. The death of her family." With that, I pulled Shirayuki closer by grabbing her collar. "You can't do that! She will lost control of her ability and destroy this base!" Apparently, Shirayuki doesn't care about it and placed her cold pale hands against mine.

"You have to remember this, Irene Kanzaki. Nothing is equal when living in this world. You have to fight for your own desire. You want to escape? Then, kill them all."

I slowly backing away, glaring into her eyes. "You're a monster." In response to that, she chuckled at me. "Monster? No, you created a monster. Don't you remember the torture you gave to all of your victim?" Damn it, she was right. I did tortured the victims to force the information out from their head. "Now, let's get out from this place before someone come here." I clenched my fists, having an internal fight with my thought, whether I should leave Katelyn behind or escaping now.

Your eyes was usually emotionless even though you're happy, sad or anger. They didn't reflect anything but now, I can see a slight of happiness behind them.

Am I really becoming soft? I shook my head, erasing the thought away from my head. No. I can't be too soft or else I wouldn't be able to kill this murderer.

"Let's go." I replied, earning a smile from Shirayuki. "The game has just begin, Irene Kanzaki." With that, her body glowed before shape-shifting into a black scythe in my hands. I could feel the power flowing through my veins and I smirked, twirling the scythe in my hand before resting it over the shoulder.

 I could feel the power flowing through my veins and I smirked, twirling the scythe in my hand before resting it over the shoulder

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"Let's play, Decepticon because . . . a demon has arrived for her playtime~" Slowly, I felt my blue eyes was turning into red.

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