⚡🔥 T W E N T Y 🔥⚡

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Laxus was sitting on the couch reading a book, It was late.

It was roughly 3am, Natsu was asleep.

Or he was at the moment.

Natsu started shifiting around and graoning, Laxus looked over to see a pained expression on his face.

Laxus put his book down and sat down next to the fire dragon slayer.

'Natsu.' Laxus gently shook him

Natsu groaned

'Natsu." Laxus said a bit more forcefully.

"Mmm Laxus?" Natsu groaned sitting up.

"Natsu, Are you alright? " Laxus frowned

"Yea." Natsu said a little too fast with a fake smile, Laxus easily saw through it.

"No your not." Laxus frowned deeper

"Its just a nightmare." Natsu sighed, "Don't frown."

"What about?" Laxus hugged him

"My mother."

Laxus recalled when Natsu said he didnt have the best memories if his mother.

"Oh." Laxus felt Natsu hug him back.

"Igneel pretty much saved me from her. Then he killed her." Natsu smiled at the last part, "I know that sounds horrible but she was terrible."

"I wish you had a mom like mine. She was nice." Laxus felt Natsu nuzzel his neck.

It was cute.

"Yeah." Natsu fell back asleep soon, Laxus did too, still holding him.

Natsu snuggled himself into his boyfriend's chest.

A few hours later, dragons and Dragon slayers were saying thier goodbyes nd exchanging forms of comunication.

"Bye Jaquam!" East was being held princess style by Vanessa who was talking to Valeen in sacred Earth dragon.

Sting and Rouge were chatting while Wessiologium and Skiadrum gave knowing looks to eachother.

Wendy was crying hugging Grandeenie, Gajeel had almist cracked when it came to Metelicana.

Laxus had waved bye at his patron Fravei, and was standing akwardly a few feet behind Natsu and Igneel.

Natsu didnt even try to act tough, he cried. Igneel and Natsu talking, but at the last few minutes igneel pulled Laxus and Natsu into a hug.

Laxus was surprised, Natsu was warm temputure wise, but dam Igneel was warmer.
Natsu was also cute as fuck to Laxus.

This was not the end of the connection between dragons and thier adopted children.

But the only thing on Laxus' mind was Natsu's birthday.

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