⚡🔥 E P I L O G U E (21) 🔥⚡

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After a long hour of walking, they made it back to the train station. Natsu groaned and leaned on the near puking Laxus for 6 hours straight. Gajeel was sitting there in a state, not as extreme as Natsu, but not as calm as Laxus or Wendy.

They made it back to Mongolia in one piece, which was good.

Laxus checked the date, he was one day off. He had to act faster if he wanted to get things done for Natsu's birthday on time.

By the time Natsu's birthday, Laxus was slightly panicking. it was hard to keep Natsu in the dark and without him getting suspicious.

People at the guild knew the plan too. Natsu comes into the guild a lot, and it's hard to keep something this big under wraps.

They don't exactly do it perfectly since Natsu knows some things up.

What are they hiding? Why wont they tell me?  Mabey its nothing, but what if it's not?? Laxus knows but he won't tell me, why not? Hmph, I'll guess I'll learn in time.

Early morning on July 7th, Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy, Erza, Lisanna,  Gray, and Lucy showed up to help set everything up.

They pinned up pink orange and red streamers while Erza baked a cake, Lucy was setting tables, Gray was in charge of keeping Natsu away they thye were ready, Lisanna was supposed to get everyone there before Natsu, and Wendy was helping with air-born things like banners, and balloons, and Glitter (don't ask, Erza suggested it), Gajeel was making sure nothing got destroyed, while Laxus oversaw everything.

It wasn't too long until they were done, but that wasn't the hard part. The hard part, was lisanna's job and Gray's, keeping Natsu away and getting everyone here.

People like Mira, Levy, Jet, Droy, Juvia were already there. Master was there too of course.

Gray's job wasn't going to be easy. The ice mage found himself crawling through Natsu's kitchen window. He was still asleep, the longer he stays asleep the better. 

Gray had been into Natsu's house before, they were best friends (and rivals), but he had never been this unsettled about it. Gray did get himself a tea because it was only 8 am, and he had a little bit of a wait, to say the least.

By 11 am, Gray saw Natsu come downstairs.

Natsu stopped and stared at him, "Well hello to you too, Ice-princess."

"Yeah hi. You gonna seriously go anywhere without taking a long shower first?" Gray started to panic slowly internally.

Hurry up Lisanna.

"I took one already. What brings you?" Natsu poured himself a glass of tomato juice.

"Uh, I thought we could catch up a bit. Its been a little while since we talked," Gray sipped the tea.

"Can we do that at the guild?" Natsu asked.

"NO, I mean, but I came all the way over here, Flame brain," Gray started to break a sweat.

Lisana texted Gray, everyone was there.

"Actually, I change my mind, let's go." Gray essentially pushed Natsu out the door.

"Your acting weird, stripper." Natsu narrowed his eyes.

"You're weird," Gray had the ultimate comeback. 

"You're -" Natsu was cut off by Gray running ahead into the guild before him.

Natsu wearily went inside the guild hall.

He was surprised when most people inside yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATSU!!" 

Laxus hugged Natsu from behind and lifted him up easily.

"Laxus, you arranged this, didn't you? I heard you asked Igneel my birthday," Natsu giggled.

"Maybe," Laxus smiled.

Natsu kissed him.

Mira snapped a picture for good measure.

"I love you," Natsu said contently.

"I love you too." Laxus rubbed his soft pink hair.

"Cake," Erza pointed to a triple-decker strawberry cake.

Natsu wasn't sure if Erza made t for herself.

"It's huge," Natsu's eye went wide.

"That's what you said," Laxus smirked.

Natsu blushed.

The part lasted for a few hours, Sting dropped by and said hi.  The cake was mostly eaten by (total surprise) Erza. Laxus took Natsu home to his house and they stayed the night. Even if they were up most of the night being loud. 
The following week, Laxus moved in with Natsu.
But, Igneel did his best to stay in contact with Natsu, which made him really happy. Metllicana was delighted to learn about Levy. Grandeenie often sent packages and letters to Wendy. Sting and Rouge had to work some stuff out with their dragons, but other than that they kept in contact. East and Vanessa were off doing whatever lesbian dragon tamers do, probably keeping in contact too. It may be hard considering their nomadic. Laxus' dragon sent a few letters, not a whole lot since they weren't that close.

Cobra, in prison, mysteriously got a bond out of jail.

So, as an end (maybe), I wanna say one thing:


Also, I may upload small Laxsu one-shots to this. I need to sleep.

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