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While out to breakfast with Jenna and Kelly, Lena and I couldn't keep our hands off eachother under the table, especially after what we did in the shower before meeting up with Jenna and Kelly, always making goo goo eyes at eachother when ever we could. So you guys, we wanted to ask your opinion, Kelly and I had this idea since we have quite a few couples here, anyone who would like to renew or get married, could do it ringing in the new year, Jenna said. Jenna who would want to get married or renew without family, Lena said. Just an idea, something different, Jenna said. Well not a good idea, Lena said. Well how about you and Stef, you to seem to have a untraditional relationship, Jenna said. What is that suppose to mean, Lena said angrily. Well you two fell in love within days, Jenna said. Just because we fell in love doesn't mean either one of us is ready to get married, I haven't even met Stef's son or parents and she hasn't met mine yet, Lena said.  We were just thinking about going outside the box of what people normally do before ringing in the new year, Kelly said. What's wrong with the traditional way of ringing in the New Year, I said. Nothing it's that it's boring, Jenna said. Ringing in the New Year is not boring Jenna, Lena said. I get to ring in the New Year with someone I fell in love with, Lena said looking over at me. And the same with me, what can be more exciting than that, I said. Well that's good for you guys, but me and Kelly have been together quite a little longer than you two have, Jenna said. But you still love her right, Lena asked. Of course I do, Jenna said  hesitantly. As I look over at Kelly that had a little sadness behind her eyes. Right Kelly, isn't it exciting to ring in the New Year with someone you love, what can be boring about that right, Lena said. Yeah, but Jenna is right, you guys are a new couple, Jenna and I have been together for a while, everything we do becomes a cliche, she says. Well you guys need to keep it fresh and new, Lena said. Is that why you invited old friends on this trip, Lena asked, but after Lena asked that question Jenna got up and walked away, as she followed behind her. 


Jenna, I called out following behind her. What is it Jenna, is that why you and Kelly invited us all on this trip, because the romance has died out of your marriage, I asked. Lena I am happy for you and Stef, but I'm also jealous, she said. Jealous of what, I asked. Jealous of the newness of your relationship, the excitement, the new love that you two feel for eachother, she said. Jenna don't you and Kelly love eachother anymore, I asked. Of course we do, but everything has become so mundane, she says. Jenna every relationship is about work, keeping it fresh and new, doing new and exciting things, do you and Kelly have date nights, have sex in different places, I asked. Sex, what is that, I can't even remember the last time Kelly and I had sex, she said. If you guys still love eachother and have passion for eachother, then theres no problem, I said. Easy for you to say Lena, she said. Everytime one of us is in the mood the other isn't, it's not that we don't want eachother Lena, but with work and our schedules it's hard to get together and when we are in bed we're dead tired from work all day, she says. You know Jenna that sounds like an excuse, you can always find the time for sex, in the shower before you go to work in the morning, wake up an extra hour early, I said. You know this idea you had about getting married or renewing vows, I feel like the couple that needs renewing is you and Kelly, I said. I know, but would she want to renew our vows, she asked. If she loves you she would, why don't you take the handles on planning everything, plan a surprise wedding for the both of you, I said. I don't know Lena, what if she rejects the idea, and I am standing there all alone at the altar, she said. Do you trust your wife, I asked. Of course I do, she said. Do you trust the relationsip, I asked. Yes, she said. Now this is the scary question, I said smiling. Do you trust that Kelly loves you, and I'm not talking about comfortable love, I'm talking about in love with you, I asked. Of course, I mean I hope she does, because I know I'm still in love with her, she said. Well trust that, and everything else should fall into place, I said. Thanks Lena, I needed that, she said, as we hugged. Anytime, I said, as we walked back to the table where Kelly and Stef were waiting. Everything okay? Stef whispered to me as I sat down next to her. I hope so, I said smiling. 

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