✢ TEN ✢

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"I want to go home."

Estrella knew Danika was homesick and she got worse as time miserably ticked by. Yes, Lucifer created a room of illusion with happy colors and toys but it still wasn't home. They weren't her toys.

"I know you do," said Estrella while braiding Danika's hair. "but we can't right now." 

"Why?" she interrogated, sounding frustrated. She didn't understand and Estrella knew she wanted answers, but she was just a child. The answers were too much for a child.

"We just can't."

Danika didn't accept that, it didn't make sense. She didn't want to be here. Estrella heard her sniff then lift her hand to her cheek.

"Sweetie, don't cry."

It was as if Estrella saying that gave Danika permission to cry because she began to sob, and the tears fell like heavy rain. Estrella embraced her tightly, rocking her back and forth slowly but it wasn't helping. Not in the slightest. The ground beneath them began rattling, the more aggressively until things began falling off furniture. Estrella picked Danika up and backed against a wall, covering Danika's head with her arms as protection. The ceiling cracked, along with the floor, but it didn't seem the shaking was going to settle down.

"What's happening, mommy?!"

Fear consumed her voice and she cried, screaming against Estrella's chest. Estrella was terrified too but she had to keep calm for Danika's sake, that was her duty. The door slung open and she looked up to see Lucifer and Abaddon coming to the rescue, finally. Lucifer hurried to them and unexpectedly took Danika into his own arms. 

"Danika, stop crying. Calm down," she faced him while tears ran down her cheeks, she stared deeply into his black eyes. He wiped her cheeks. "you have to make this stop, darling."

She was gasping for air but the tears slowed down, as did the violent shaking.

"I'm sorry."

Lucifer shook his head, watching the sadness in those beautiful hazel eyes.

"Do not apologize. Remember when I told you we were alike?" she nodded her head yes. "I do the same thing."

"You do?" she mumbled, looking down at her purple shoes. She was embarrassed.

"More than I can count. Am I right, Abaddon?"


"Wipe away those tears, darling."

A smile came across her face and so did Estrella's. This moment touched her heart, she assumed that he wouldn't be good with her since he wasn't used to being around kids but she was doing a great job so far. But then she remembered; Danika didn't know he was her father. How was that fair? Maybe it was time she needed to know the truth. 

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