Chapter 14

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Once we'd taken Jasey home I was sat on the sofa with her on my knee. I'd stopped taken my medcine because I hadn't had an attack for so long. I felt decent, but anxious. Jasey was curled up on my chest as I lay down. It felt unreal that we were in control of such a tiny, beautiful thing. I let my hand stroke her soft curls and smiled as Gee came into the room after finishing his artwork, with a white paint-splattered shirt on.

He sat down by my head on our wooden floor and took my hand in his. I smiled at him to which I got his cheeky smirk as I response. I really loved Gee, he was like a best friend and my true love all in one and oh did he know it. I let my eyes fall shut with the head of the sun leaking through the window and heating up my eyelids.

Gerard's POV

' I sat and watch Frank fall asleep on the sofa so went off into the kitchen to make Jasey some peanut butter cookies. While I mixed up the dough I sang to myself. I smiled when I looked down and Jasey was waddling over with a huge grin across her face. I picked her up and sat her on the countertop when I heard the door bell go and Frank get up and answer it. It was probably just the shopping since we could never be bothered to actually go to the shops and get it ourselves.

After a minute I heard a gasp and someone slam the door. Jasey looked at me confused so I handed her a spoon and a tiny bowl with some of the dough in and went to investigate. Frank was hunched over, clinging to the wall in the hall and coughing. He was clutching his chest with his spare arm and I could see blood leaking between his fingers. I let out a choked yell and hurried over, helping him sit down and pinning my shirt to his wound.

"What happened Frank!??! Are you okay?" I rushed out, barely breathing between words. He indicated a gun with his hand before clutching his stomach and continuing to cough. I grabbed the phone out its little stand and got on the phone with 911.

"911, what's your emergancy?" The polite voice asked.

"My boyfriends been shot in the stomach! He's bleeding heavily and I'm really scared." I choked out while holding my shirt tighter to the gunwound.

Frank was growing pale and could barely hold up his head. I rubbed his back as the woman claimed she'd send someone as soon as possible and would inform the police. "Their coming Frankie hang on hang on." I chanted to him.

He rested his head on my shoulder and I quickly called up Mikey to come look after Jase. We'd told him we were getting a kid so he was excited to meet her but still worried over Frank like me. Mikey arrived in a couple of minutes and the paramedics seconds after him. I saw them pick up Frank and help him into a stretcher, telling me they'd call me when I could see him. I panicked. I couldn't go with him? I felt my legs turn to jelly as they took Frank away.

The world turned black and dim as I collapsed into Mikeys arms, depressed and hopeless.

( a/n-- the next chapter is the last one they made to my knowledge.. If you would like me to post some more of their stories, tell me and I might! )

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