Chapter 11

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Frank's POV, March 16th, four months after the hospital

I lay with my fingers interlocked around Gee's neck and my face tucked into his bony shoulder blade. I'd been lying like this for hours while Gee stroked my hair and I listened to the silence.

I kept noticing things I never used to these past few days: bird song, the way Gee let out little sighs in his sleep. Everything I wouldn't have even noticed around me before all the hell went down with the epilepsy. It'd been under wraps for the past few months but it didn't mean Gee was any less protective than he'd always been. He was sweet though, and I loved him. It was the half term holidays, and I was staying at Gee's house for them.

His parents were out visiting family in Italy so the house was empty, besides Mikey Gerard and me. I looked up at Gee from my nest in his arms and gazed into his eyes, smiling to myself. He kissed between my eyebrows gently and sat up, keeping me cuddled close into his chest. "Mikey should be back soon..." He mumbled to me, running his calloused fingers through my hair. I sighed, we could never just do this with Mikey round, heck he'd probably have a fucking aneurysm!

I heard the door click and sat up, wriggling out of Gerard's grip with a sad expression. Mikey came into the room with three pizzas, a crate of beer and a tub of Gee's favourite ice-cream. I shuffled off the sofa and sat down on the floor, shoving a DVD on. I looked at the box after I'd put it in and noticed I'd put on 'the ring'. Great; I hated horror films. I picked up my pizza and a beer before sitting back on the sofa and nibbling at my tea, trying to ignore the film.

Mikey was cackling manically at a 'funny' scene where I think someone died or something like that. I really didn't want to look and find out. Gerard wrapped his arm around my waist protectively and I hid my face into his shoulder whispering a meek 'is it over yet Gee?' to which he shook his head and stroked my hair. I shuddered, feeling sick by the screaming coming from the film.

*three hours later*

I finally peeked up from Gerard's shoulder sure that the movie must be over by now. Mikey was sat on the floor with papers around him and Gerard had his iPod in, humming along. I peeked up through my fringe; I was long due a haircut. Gee ruffled my hair and helped me sit up. I glanced over at Gee's untouched pizza; he hadn't been eating well for days and safe be say I was worried. Mikey threw him a can of beer which he sipped at but didn't drink much of. I hugged him tight and smiled at him. Gee laughed and kissed the top of my head. Oh he was so gorgeous... I held his hand and rubbed it between my fingers. I was really tired.

Wriggling into Gee's warm grasp, I rested my head on his chest and let my eyes fall shut...

I was running down a corridor that was never ending. I could hear someone crying at the end of it but I couldn't reach them! Why couldn't I reach them?! When I turned around another corridor I finally saw them. A man with jet black hair covering his face was cradling a small girl in a white down. The girl had soft auburn ringlets and dark brown eyes. The man was so, so thin... The toddler stroked his cheek and walked over to me, before hugging my legs and fading away while whispering 'I love you daddies'.

I woke up with a start. I was still lying on the sofa and hugging Gerard.

"Frank? Did you have a bad dream?..." Gee asked, tiredness dripping from his voice.

"Not really... I dreamt about a little girl... She called me daddy... I think I want to adopt..."

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