Chapter 6

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Gerard's POV, September 9th, after school

I wanted to surprise Frank so I was taking him to a café near town called 'The frosted rose'. It sounded romantic, which I liked, and it was quite cosy. We sat down and I bought him two coffee's. Frank smiled and sipped at it, leaving himself with a latte-foam moustache.

I suppressed a giggle and spoke up. "Frankie you have a little bit of something..." I smirked, brushing my lips to indicate what I meant. He smiled and licked his upper lip in a way that made my legs turn to jelly, yet missing it completely. I laughed and leant over the table, slowly wiping it off with my thumb. I softly kissed his lips, letting my hand fall to his hips, rubbing his lower back. It was more than a peck but we didn't use tongues; we didn't need to, romantic was enough. We weren't going out or anything yet but we'd started just to share sweet kisses. I knew I was gay but I don't think he was sure what he was yet, and I knew not to push him.

I loved the coffee's here and I loved Frankie's company so it was a perfect match. We didn't need to talk, we were just watching each other and occasionally asking questions about each other's lives. There was no annoying unwanted chattering, it was just simple and easy. A girl walked past and handed Frank another coffee, so he smiled and thanked her. She shot him a flirty smile but he shook his head and she stormed off, throwing a childish huff.

I smirked at her and held Frankie's hand under the table, lightly rubbing it in-between my fingers. Frankie smiled at me and let his eyes fall shut. Oh! He was tired. I laughed quietly to myself and checked my watch. No wonder he was tired, we'd been talking 6 hours and it was 10.30 pm now. I helped Frankie back to my Harley and popped the helmet on his head.

"wanna sleep the night at mine?" I asked quietly, to which he smiled and nodded. He was watching my motorbike nervously. I handed him my leather jacket to keep him warm which he tugged on. "hold onto my waist tight and you won't fall off." I laughed at him, before sitting on the bike and lifting him so he was sat behind me as close as possible, clutching my waist. I could feel his every movement, and his heartbeat was soft but noticeable against my back.

My Harley roared beneath me as we shot through the dark streets. I could faintly hear Frank giggling. I smiled and shot around the corner to my empty house. Mom and Dad had taken Mikey out to a show somewhere for the weekend. It was Friday now so they got back on Sunday. I clicked open the door and shut it again once Frankie was in.

"You look cold..." I stated before showing him to the living room and throwing a blanket across his lap. I snuggled into the corner of the sofa with my legs tucked up beside me, as I watched Saving Private Ryan play on the fairly decent TV my mom had bought. A few minutes later I looked down and Frank was asleep with his head resting in my lap. He was wrapped in the blanket as if it were a cocoon and was snoring slightly but not enough for it to be annoying, just a cute sniffle every now and again. My Frankie was so cute!

I ran my hand over his hair as I finished watching the film. He seemed so peaceful. I just wanted to watch him sleep for ever, but I was really tired myself so cuddled up with him and let my eyes drift shut, welcoming sleep...

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