Chapter 8

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Third Person, fifty minutes after the fit started, arriving at hospital

Frank was rushed out the back of the ambulance straight upon his arrival, as Gerard was quickly shooed to wait in the reception. Frank was weak and the nurses were evaluating him while getting him to surgery.

Two broken ribs, fractured skull, broken nose, dislocated shoulder and cracked arm. Dehydrated and heavy internal bleeding in the brain due to fracture. We need to get his fit to stop first!

Pass me that IV...... IV connected!

Fits not stopping. We'll have to sedate him heavily which should control it...

A doctor fiddled on preparing an anaesthetic machine and clipping the IV into his wrist. This poor boy didn't have high chances...

Gerard 's POV, 7 hours after the fit started, waiting room.

A nurse walked over to me but signalled for me to stay seated. "Mr Iero is stable enough for now, and out of surgery for the moment but he's in an incredibly bad way. We've had to induce him into a coma to control his fits because they've been on and off and vicious for the past hour. He's broken 7 bones and damaged two major organs, he punctured his lung due to a broken rib and he damaged his brain, due to internal bleeding. Even if we take him off anaesthetic we don't know if he'd be strong enough to wake up... He might just have a fit that would prove fatal..." The nurse explained softly, causing a single tear to roll down my cheek and splash onto the linoleum floor. What was she trying to say?.... Frank might never wake up?....

I followed her, tears streaming down my cheeks, to the intensive care unit room 142. There Frank was lying, connected to countless machines, and looking so peaceful. I sat at his bedside looking all over him from his now buzz cut hair with a scar running down the middle of his scalp, his cold almost blue skin and his limp limbs. Oh my poor Frankie...

Gerard 's POV, 6 weeks after the fit started, Frank's room.

I'd never really left him for long since he'd came in. Mainly just for when he was due surgery which was heartbreakingly often. They were going to test how stable Frank would be unsedated so they were slowly lowering the amounts of anaesthetic in his blood stream, and we'd finally hit the point where there was none. He was breathing softly thanks to the machines but he was going back to being quite pale, despite the fact he was still stable. His hand was twitching lightly so a nurse started careful monitoring that to see if it was a fit.

"Come on Frankie...." I pleaded.

"H...H...Hey......Gee..... Did you.... M....miss me?..."

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