Chapter 5

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Frank's POV, September 5th, age fifteen.

Gerard helped me down the corridor and got my to our art class. The teacher, Mr Patterson, didn't look so impressed but when I handed him the note flashed me a sympathetic smile and mumbled something like 'poor lad should be at home resting'. I dragged my feet to my seat on my own at the back of the classroom, assuming no one would sit with me per usual but to my, almost, surprise, Gerard came and sat next to me. I mouthed to him that he didn't have to sit with me but he shrugged and smiled softly at me, making the cavities of my heart warm up with happiness.

Sir quickly took register and set us off on our project; to draw a picture describing how we feel about our relationships with people we know. I couldn't think of what to do, but when I glanced at the raven haired boy beside me he had picked up a pencil and was sketching on the canvas furiously and quick. I picked up a sharp pencil and drew a faint broken heart in the middle of the canvas, sat in a puddle of blood leaking from it's core. I painted the heart pale blue and the blood a very dark red. Around the heart I wrote in tiny print over and over again 'maybe just two weeks to live, is that all you can give'. Filling in the rest of the canvas I drew needles and hospital beds, kisses and hugs, smiles and angry people. It was quite striking. It only took me about 30 minutes so I peeked over at Gerard's. He was very good.

He had drawn a cage with a boy inside, cowering. The boy was streaked with blood and had black messy hair. Stood on top of the cage was a blonde girl with red eyes. The cage was covered in ice. Through the bars a small boy was holding hands with the bleeding boy and seemed to be coaxing him on. It was striking to say the least. Everything was in greyscale and done in pencil. I felt sorry for the bleeding boy and couldn't tear my eyes from the picture.

The only colour on his picture was the blood oozing from the boys back, and everyones eyes. I swung my legs back and forth under the table bored now I'd finished my work. When I got up after class I headed out the classroom alone, but I could hear footsteps following me. With my past I guessed it was bullies coming to beat the crap outta me so I sped up my pace and headed into my next class; Chemistry.

Gerard's POV

Why had Frank ran away like that? I shrugged myself and followed him into class, taking my usual seat next to Ray. He grinned and high fived me. Frank was sat next to a girl who I think was called Emma, Emily, something like that... She hugged him lightly and sat on one of the precarious stools, having to be helped up by Frankie. Fuck she was short as! I laughed as Frankie jumped up onto the stool and wobbled until he was comfortable.

We were doing something like blood types today, and after this morning I was the expert with needles. Emily was squeaking and hiding her arms as Frank tried to test her. As he lunged for her again, she wriggles out the way and he lost his balance, ending up on the floor rubbing his back and grumbling at the cackling girl. He climbed back onto the seat and jabbed her hand, causing her to squeak and cradle it. Those two were so weird!

Ray was sat cleaning up my hand, I hadn't even noticed he'd done it...I quickly did his and dripped it onto the slide to work out his blood type. He'd already scribbled a 'B Neg' on my hand and I sketched 'AB' onto his. I could be a proper doctor me!... If I could be arsed with the paperwork, which I couldn't. My mind drifted back to Frankie, and his bad news. I'd only known him a day but felt we had a really cool connection... I let my eyes wander back over to him. He was sat staring into space and humming while Emily hit him, trying to snap him out of it; ineffectively. He swatted at her as if she were a fly and went back to his daydreams... He was cute when he daydreamed...

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