Chapter 1

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Running down the corridor to meet Mikey, I felt light-headed and sick. I always got bloody sick so I shook it off as another virus and finished jogging over to my friends. Mikey was stood at the lockers talking to Emily and Kaitlin. I smiled and said hi, but as they continued to talk I kept feeling sicker and sicker. I kept feeling like I was burning up and I grabbed at the locker to try hold myself up as my legs shook hopelessly. Kaitlin turned to face me, confusion etched across my features.

"Frank?" She asked, concerned. I couldn't find the voice to reply, unable to do anything but groan as my knees collapsed beneath me and I convulsed and writhed on the floor. It felt like all my muscles were on fire... Emily sat down on my waist waving her hand in front of my face as my eyes rolled back into my head, flipping into the right place to let me see every so often. Mikey was on his phone, to an ambulance I silently pleaded. Kaitlin was stood, frozen with shock as I groaned and shook in the middle of the corridor. A crowd was starting to form now, with a few people laughing at me. It was so unfair, I felt like I was burning alive yet they still tormented me. I wasn't exactly popular though.

I was getting quite curious to why this hadn't stopped yet. Emily kept mumbling to herself 'oh fuck he's having a seizure...' but I knew they didn't normally last so long. My breathing was coming out in gasps and my vision was starting to blur. Everything slowly faded into black as my body still spasmed beneath Emily's weight...

*three hours later, City Hospital*

Feeling was finally returning to my limbs and I felt strong enough to move my muscles at last. I'd been aware of voices and slight squeezes on my hand for the past few minutes and I quickly flashed my eyes open, before ramming them shut again, seeing why it took people in movies so long to let their eyes dramatically flutter open. The light burned, but I hadn't taken in where I was. Slowly daring to prise my eyes open once again, I gazed around the room. It was all white and smelt strongly of antiseptic and well, it smelt of clean if that makes sense. Every muscle in my body ached horribly, and there was an annoying beeping coming from a monitor beside me. I could tell I was in hospital, but I'd never been in any rooms like this before. This made me curious so I continued to look around. The beeping monitor had little wires clipped to my chest from it. Yet again, breaking the ideas I had from movies, the beeps weren't constant and healthy, they were quiet and came every so often, very quickly, then none again for a little while. That didn't seem right... what the hell was wrong with me?

In a chair beside my bed was Emily, with Kaitlin sniffling into her shoulder. My mum was stood behind a glass wall, talking to a doctor and Mikey stood in the doorway chewing his lip. Kaitlin's eyes fell onto me first and she stared confused at me.

"What happened?" I asked quietly, even my own voice was too loud at the moment.

"You had a seizure... Blacked out for a few hours too." She mumbled. "Doctor wants to run tests... Seizures normally only last a few minutes... Yours went on for two hours... kept going when you were unconscious." I didn't like the sound of that. I didn't like being tested on, it made me feel like a lab rat with people prodding and jabbing me. The doctor walked back in but my mother stayed outside. He walked over to me and adjusted the IV that was taped into my hand.

"Mr Iero, we would like to run a few tests to find out what's wrong with you as we're unsure..." The doctor announced. I rolled my eyes and muttered my goodbyes to my friends as I was rolled out of the room in a wheelchair, still unsteady.

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