Chapter 10

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Frank's POV, November 12th.

I lay in my hospital bed after the tests were finally over. Gerard was sat in the plastic chair next to my bed caressing my fingers. I carefully turned over, trying to ignore the aching in my chest and smiled at him. Gee lifted his hand up and stroked the side of my face carefully. I grinned.

"Gee I want to break out this place!" I grinned, laughing.

Gee looked up at me and despite laughing at me shook his head. I pouted and tried puppy dog eyes on him; he still shook his head.

"Whyyyyyy?" I pleaded, looking up at him. He smirked.

"Because Frankie, you cant breathe without these machines. You wouldn't even make it out the door before you passed out or had a fit or summit like that!" He explained, serious despite the jokiness.

"I tell you what," Gee stated, "I'll go out now and buy you a present to keep you busy." I smiled at him and grinned nodding, heck a present from Gee would be better than a day out this place... hopefully.

Gee got up and headed out of the room. I suddenly realised how scary this place was without my messy, black teddy-bear. I shakily stood up and tugged out the breathing support, which made me feel like I was gonna throw up. Damn those things arent nice to get out. I stumbled out into the corridor. My lungs felt like they were on fire but I'd lost track of where Gerard had gotten to. Exhausted, I sat down in the corridor gasping and choking for air. A nurse came past, saw me and quickly rushed me back into my room. I felt dizzy and cold. So so cold... I could faintly hear the nurse crying out 'HELP! Get me a crash cart for Mr. Iero!" as everything I could see faded into darkness.

Gerard's POV, November 12th.

I heard a nurse yelling out 'crash cart for Mr.Iero' as I was half way down the stairs and suddenly my legs were carrying me up the stairs even faster than I thought possible. I stared through the window into Frank's room where he was being lifted onto the bed and injected with countless drugs. What the hell had he done... I felt tears dripping down my cheeks as they shoved tubes down his throat and strapped a defib to his chest.

Charged! One!

Is the patient responding?!

No! Charged! Two!

I watched Frankie's body jolt and shudder after every useless shock they gave him. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

Charged! Three!

He's responding! Give him some atropine and dopamine

Yes doctor!

I slid against thenwall calming down knowing at least now he had a heart beat. As they got him stable and reattached him to countless machines I couldn't stop thinking what he had done... I was so worried, my poor baby!

Is he stabalising? Yes? Good. Get him on an IV and give him a shot of Clonazepam.

Thank god... I sat outside the door catching my breath and thanking god Frankie had survived another accident. His guardian angel seemed to be taking a year off..

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