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Summary: You moved away from the south side of Riverdale for a while and you were back again with your dad who is a serpent. Going to South Side high you found friends that were exactly your people.

You walked into South Side High the school where it's either tough up or they'll break you down. You'd only been in the school for a couple of days but that's the impression you got. You walked through the security and made your way to your locker, every muscle hurt through your body. You had had a rough night you were jumped outside your trailer well that's until your dad came out and helped.

As you approached your locker there was a group of people they were serpents standing in front of it. You were familiar with the serpents due to the fact that your father was one.

"I can't get to my locker" you said to the tall one leaning on your locker he looked at you and smirked.

"Rough night huh" the Latino looking one said you looked at him and ignored him.

"Move" you said approaching the tall guy with a Serpent tattoo on his neck. You pushed him away a little bit but he didn't go far. "I like the rough ones" he said you just rolled your eyes.

"You know you can tell us what happened to you, serpents take care of their own" A girl said as you put in your locker combo"What are you talking about?" I looked at her confused about her comment.

"We know who your dad is, he's not just some serpent he's high ranked" the Latino boy said.

You gave it some thought but you pushed away the thought and opened your locker almost hitting the tall boy in the face.

"I'm Toni Topaz by the way" she said smiling at you, you smiled back. "I'm Fangs" he said looking into your locker which was empty besides a couple of books. "Sweet Pea at your service princess" he said smirking you studied his face he was actually attractive and was super tall he was definitely  your type.

"We have English together" Toni said you looked at her and nodded you remember seeing her the only time you went. " I do too" Sweet Pea said You looked at him he had a smirk on his face. You closed your locker and made your way down the hall with them by your side. You finally felt at ease having people with you.

You sat in the desk next to Toni and the teacher started talking but soon Sweet Pea got up mad and left. The teacher kept on talking as if it didn't matter if he left. The bell finally rung and it meant to go to your other class you said bye to Toni and went to your next class.

When you walked in you saw Fangs he waved you over to his group and you hesitated but you still went you know sitting anywhere else would literally kill you. You sat down and he introduced you, you said hi but eventually got bored and fell asleep in class.

"Wake up sunshine" you heard Fangs say as he shook your shoulders you opened your eyes and got up and stretched. You went to your next class and soon it was lunch time. You walked into the cafeteria and saw the different clicks. The jocks, the nerds, the burn out, the ghoulies and the serpents.

"Y/N over here" you heard a voice say it was Fangs he waved you over as other people stared at you you quickly walked over to him he was with Toni Sweet Pea was no where in sight.

"Never sit by your self, especially because your basically a serpent" Toni said. "Yeah basically I guess" you shrugged and ate your lunch.

As you were talking to Toni and Fangs your phone started to ring you took it out of your pocket. It was your dad calling you.

"Hey dad whats up" you asked. "I need you at the Whyte Wyrm today after school I need to talk to you about something" he asked you knew perfectly what the Whyte Wyrm was your dad has been taking you there since you were a kid. "Okay dad I'll meet you there" you said and hung up.

"Trouble in paradise" Toni asked. "No my dad needs me after school at the Whyte Wyrm" you said shrugging. She nodded "I'm guessing you know where that is" Fangs asked you nodded. "Yeah been going there since I was a kid" they nodded soon lunch ended and you went to the rest of your classes.

You walked out of school and hopped on your dad motorcycle he let you barrow it for a while because of what happened yesterday night. You still don't know who beat you up. As you were about to turn on the engine you hear another motorcycle roar and you turn back and it was Sweet Pea he had just stopped beside you.

"Who knew a princess would be on a motorcycle like these" Sweet pea chuckled you rolled your eyes.

"Look at you girl" Toni said as she approached you guys. "Who knew" Fangs said.

"You guys heading to the Whyte Wyrm" Sweet Pea asked. We all said yes he looked over at you. "You too" he asked smirking. "Yes I have been summoned by my father" you chuckled. "But I have to go my dad hates waiting see you guys there" you said and rode off.

Once you got there you got off and went straight inside you blended in very well. Black jeans, shirt, shoes and jacket your dad always taught how to dress like a serpent. You went to the bar passing the pool tables as the men stared at you because you were new to them.

You sat down at the bar waiting for your father. As you were about to order a drink two people sat next you, you looked to your side and it was your dad and FP you smiled and stood up and hugged him.

"I'm missed you" you cried into his chest. He hugged you tighter. "Missed you too buddy" he said. FP has been like a brother to your dad and he's been like an uncle to you. He cupped your face and examined your face completely.

"Those bastards they hurt you" he said looking at the bruise in your cheek and your bloody lip along with a black eye and scratches all over your face. You just nodded as the tears ran down your cheek.

"FP we need to get those Ghoulies, they hurt my daughter" your dad said coming to hug you, of course it and to be those bastards that hurt you. "It's going on tonight" FP said they both nodded. Your dad had that face that would scare the living shit out of you.

FP walked away to talk to another serpent as your dad pulled you to the side. "I know I've always said I never wanted you to be what I am. But I can't risk you anymore, do you want to be a serpent?" Your dad asked you looked at him shocked. 

"Dad you know I do, but are sure about this" you asked. He was going to answer but you guys got interrupted.

"Hey Y/N" you heard Toni say you turned around and smiled she was with Sweet Pea and Fangs. "We can finish this later" your dad said in your ear. You nodded.

"Dad this Toni Topaz, Fangs and that's Sweet Pea" you said smiling pointing at them.

"Nice to meet you guys" your dad said going up to them and doing that bro handshake thing and he walked away.

"So is the Whyte Wyrm the same as you remember" Toni asked. You nodded "doesn't change at all" you said sitting down. Toni went behind the bar and started taking order Fangs disappeared somewhere and Sweet Pea sat next to you.

"So you thinking of officially becoming a serpent" he asked you smiling you looked at him. "Was thinking about it but it would be weird to do the Brydie dance in front of my dad" you laughed.

"Yo Sweet Pea you game?" A man in a beard yelled at Sweet Pea he turned and nodded a yes. He stood up and leaned down to your ear.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you move that body princess" he said into your ear your heart was racing and pounding against your rib cage. Why did he have this effect on you. You looked at him and he smirked and bit his lip as he walked away.

"You can cut the sexual tension with a knife" Toni said laughing. Your rolled your eyes.

"Pfft what are you talking about" you said obviously nervous. "Okay Y/N whatever you say" she laughed and you just blushed and hid your face.

*Will be a part 2*

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