I Miss You| Sweet Pea X Reader

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Summary: The reader dies in a motorcycle accident and everything reminds Sweet Pea of you.

"You know Sweet Pea I love you" you said to him as you looked down at him you were straddling him as he was laying on the bed with his hands on your hips. "Finally you admit it" Sweet Pea said as he sat up making you lay down on the bed him on top of you now.

You looked into his eyes as you caressed his cheek he leaned down and kissed you. "Promise me you'll never leave for any motive" you said as you guys pulled apart. "I promise but you have to promise as well" he said you smiled and kissed him. "I promise" you said he smiled. "I forbid you to die" he said you giggled. "Deal" you said as he laid his head in between your neck.

"God dammit you promised" Sweet Pea said looking at your grave tears streaming down his face. "Why did you leave why didn't you listen to me why did you leave me" he cried into his knees.

"Pea I'm fine I'll be fine I can take care of my self" you giggled at him Sweet Peas face was full of worry. "I know that but it's raining your motorcycle is leaking no just use mine" he said with worry in his voice. "Babe you need yours and I need mine it's literally a few blocks away I'll be okay" you said kissing his cheek and walking to the door he sighed. "I love you" he said as you opened the door. "I love you Pea" you said running to give him a kiss and leaving.

"It should have been me my motorcycle should have crashed" Sweet Pea cried looking at your grave your name freshly carved into the marble stone. "Pea we need to go Juggy needs us" Fangs said grabbing Sweet Peas shoulder he looked up at him and nodded. "I'll come back" he said crawling to the stone and kissing it before leaving with Fangs.

Driving back to the trailer parks was the hardest thing Pea could have done. All the roads reminded him of you you were his wild and free love you loved him unconditionally.

Sweet Pea parked his bike outside your guys trailers after the meeting with Jughead. This is his first time being back here since a few days ago. Sweet Pea never left the hospital nor the funeral home the days you were there. He hadn't slept he hadn't eaten he couldn't function.

He walked up the steps and his heart was torn.

"Pea I need you" you said to him as you stood in his doorstep crying with two duffel bags by your side, he just came out and hugged you. "It's okay I got you now" he said as you dug you head into his neck. "I'm tired of my family" you sniffled as he rubbed your back. "This is your house now Y/N" he said you guys let go. "I'm here" he said as he wiped the tears from you face as you nodded a simple yes.

These steps held history for you and Pea. This was when you first came to live with him these were the steps he in his life has seen you crying the first time you showed emotion to him. He sighed as he opened the door the fresh smell of your bath and body candle hitting his nose. And this time instead of scrunching up his nose in disgust. He smelled it as it was a bitter sweet memory.

He put his jacket on the coat rag right next to your jean serpent jacket he sighed grabbing it and going to sit on the couch. He held it close to his nose and smelled it your Victoria Secret still lingering in the jacket. He loved the sent of you you always smelled good to him. He looked down and touched the couch he smiled slightly.

"No no pea no" you giggled as you hung on to him as he held you at the edge of the couch. "Then say it" he said laughed out. "Fine I love you" you said giving up he pulled you back into the couch and he was on top of you looking at you. "Sweet Pea I want you" you said to him he looked at you shocked. "Wait is it what I'm thinking" he asked you nodded. "I want you to be my first time" you said sitting up a little he smiled. "Okay let's start" he said and stood up and picked you up bridal style as you giggled into his chest

He looked at that spot and a piece of his heart fell. Sweet Pea looked around the whole trailer everything reminded him of you. "I miss you" Sweet Pea said as he put his head in his hands. He got up and went to the bedroom maybe some sleep will help as he walked into the room he took off his boots and shirt and laid in the bed, he looked over the empty spot that was your side of the bed. He just laughed you always fought for that spot. He leaned over and grabbed the picture of you and held it close to his bare chest.

Why did you leave why ? Was all that went through his head. "We were going to get married have kids you were my everything you are my everything I would have left everything for you" Sweet Pea said staring at the wall. "Please don't leave me" he cried still staring at the wall. Sweet Pea knew that love hurt more than everything.

He never in his life imagined to love someone as he loved you. You were like a tornado in his life, you came in playing hard to get he knew the moment he saw you it was over. Love came easy to him when it was about you he said I love by the 3 rd month but it took you a while to say it. But either way Sweet Pea wouldn't change anything about your story it was y'all story it was unique.

"I love you Y/N" he said before closing his eyes and falling a well needed sleep.

I hope you enjoyed. Thank you to @SwettyXBughead. She gave me the idea appreciate it.

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