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"Why so quite girly" Toni said as you watched the moon come out you looked at her the boys were playing around. "I have to tell you something" you said looking at her all of a sudden your heart starts pounding. "What is it" she said you looked at her and then back to the moon.

"I like Sweet Pea" you said going straight to it. "Finally one of you admits it god" she said you looked at her confused. "I know me and Fangs both know this there's to much sexual tension between you guys without liking each other" she said laughing, you chuckled.

"Well then what do I do I like him allot" you said laying down on the towel. "I got this" she said looking back at you she got up and you sat up she walked up to Fangs she slapped him and then both of them walked away as they pushed Sweet Pea towards you.  You started to freak out what is going on????

"Do you know what's wrong with them" Sweet Pea asked as he sat next to you. "Umm im not sure they are weird" you said shrugging starting to get nervous.  "You know you look good under this moon light" he said you looked at him, he smiled and you did too. "Stop your making" you stopped talking and covered your face with your hands you heard him chuckle.

"Blush is that the word your looking for" he said chucking as he uncovered your face and stared at it. You just couldn't stop looking into his eyes he licked his lips. "Stop doing that" you said your face getting super hot and red. "Doing what" he said getting closer to your face your lips were centimeters away from each other your breath hitched.

You started to connect your lips but that's when a phone rang you jumped and moved away you looked down it was your phone your dad was calling. You mentally rolled your eyes. What a way to ruin a moment dad. "You should answer that" Sweet Pea said you looked at him and nodded and picked up the phone.

"Hello dad" you said annoyed. "Where are you" he asked you. "At the quarry with Sweet Pea Toni and Fangs" you said dryly. "I will be leaving to do a job with Tall boy soon I want to see you before I leave" he said you nodded you mentally rolled your eyes at your self knowing he can't see you. "Okay I'll be there in about 30 minutes" you said sighing and hung up. "My dad needs me home" you said looking at Sweet Pea he nodded showing he understood. "You guys we have to leave" you heard Sweet Pea yelled as you got up and started to pack up everything.

You put your bag pack on as Fangs and Toni got on their bikes. "Hey me and Fangs are gonna head home we have a job tomorrow together and we need to rest" Toni said you nodded and gave her and Fangs a hug goodbye and they drove away. "Ready princess" Sweet Pea said smiling you nodded and hopped on the back and wrapped your arms around his waist and he drove off.

You got off Sweet Peas bike you saw 2 more bikes your dad had company. "Home safe" he said smiling at you. "Thank you" you said stepping closer to him and kissing his cheek his smile widened. "Hey umm would you want to come in and hang out for a bit with me before my dad leaves" you asked shyly he chuckled. "You sure" he asked turning off his bike and hopping off. "I'm positive" you said smiling he smiled back and your both headed inside.

"Look who's home" your dad said cheering with a beer with FP and Tall boy he got up and hugged you. "Nice to see you Sweet Pea" Tall boy and FP said he smiled and sat down at the table with them. "Where you guys coming from"FP asked. "The quarry" Sweet Pea said. "You guys didn't run into Gouhlies" Your dad asked you looking down at you. "No the afternoon was pretty calm" You said shrugging. "Good or else we will have to tear those bastards up again" Tall boy said we all laughed.

We sat and talked at the table for a while but soon my dad had to leave. FP looked at his watch "We have to leave or else we are going to be late" He said getting up and putting his jacket on your dad and Tall boy did the same. Sweet Pea got up as well and so did you. You walked your dad outside FP and Tall boy got on there bikes and turned them on.

"Be careful dad" you said hugging him he hugged you back. "You know I always am sweet heart" he said kissing the top of your head. "Love you dad" you said he hugged you harder. "Make sure Sweet Pea gets home and no bed rooms" he said looking at you in a serious way you nodded knowing that meant Sweet Pea wasn't allowed in a girls area and had to go home. You walked to Sweet Peas side as they rode off. Sweet Pea looked down at you.

"Ima head home" he said putting his hands in his pockets. "You don't have too, you can stay longer it's only 8" you said shrugging. "You sure I don't want to get you in trouble with your dad" he said you nodded a no. "Don't worry about it" you said grabbing his hand and heading inside. He sat on the couch and so did you, Sweet Pea looked at you and a nervous look took over his face. "Y/N I need to tell you something" he said you looked at him confused. "Okay, go on you can tell me anything" you said grabbing his trying to calm him down.

He got closer and he put your legs on his lap he looked into your eyes. He breathed in "Y/N I never have done this and I don't know how to do this and I'll probably make my self like look like an ass because it's just in me its in my genes to be an ass and I can't control it like look right I'm being an a-" he rambled looking down you just cupped his face and stroke his cheek. "Hey hey it's okay just take it slow" you said smiling he sighed and nodded and took a moment for himself.

"I don't know what you do to me but you make me soft, you make me lose the whole bad boy mojo. I can't think straight around you, you've changed me in a couple months when people have tried to change me in years. You just make my days better, I like you allot Y/N I'm falling for you" he said a complete sincere look in his eyes. You sighed and thought for a second to process everything and to get your words straight.

"Your the reason I haven't lost my shit your the best thing that has happened to me your so different Sweet Pea and I must admit I'm falling for you too" you said sincerely he smiled and without a thought he slammed his lips onto yours you kissed back. The kiss was full of passion and wanting. You climbed on his lap his hands went to your waist and your hands went straight to his hair you pulled on it lightly.

You guys separated and you leaned your forehead on his and just looked into his eyes as you guys caught a your breath. "Be mine" he said looking into your eyes. You nodded "I'm yours and your mine" you said and he smiled and you guys kissed again

*need suggestions and feedback I would like to better my writing and give people what they want to read so please comment ideas*

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