Jealous| Sweet Pea x Reader

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Summary: Sweet pea gets jealous of you and Reggie working together and you slowly getting closer.

"I'll see you after class honey bunny" you said kissing your boyfriends Sweet Peas cheek he laughed. "Haha very funny" he said you giggled knowing he hated obnoxious pet names. "Bye princess" he said kissing you. "Later short cakes" you said as he rolled his eyes and walked away you walked into class and took your seat.

"Okay so for this assignment you will be doing it in partners" your teacher said. You smiled and looked at Fangs as he did the same he was the only Serpent in this class so you obviously would chose him. "But don't get to excited I've already chosen your partners" he said you huffed. He read off the list and finally he said. "Fangs and Betty , Y/N and Reggie" your mouth opened wide.

"No way teach I rather do this assignment alone" Reggie said standing up protesting. "I'm sorry Reggie but no" the teacher said. "I'm not doing this assignment with this serpent sl-" he started but Fangs quickly stood up and pushed Reggie. They both stood in a fighting stance but the teacher broke it up. "Get your act straight or Im kicking you out" he said sternly they both sat down. You hugged once again.

We all got into groups Reggie slammed his books on the table and turned and looked at you. "Let's get this done so I don't have to spend anytime with a south side scum" he said you rolled your eyes. "Can it Reggie, trust me the feeling of hatred is mutual who wants to be put with a low life bulldog like you" you said he huffed. You started to do your assignment the bell finally rung and you gathered your stuff as you walked out you heard your name being called. You turned around it was Reggie.

"My house today after school" he said walking away you rolled your eyes and looked forward Sweet Pea was in front of you. "Why are you going to Mantels house after school" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Our stupid ass teacher put me with him for an assignment so I have to work with him" You sighed he nodded. "If he says anything or a does anything to you I'm kicking his ass" he said you smiled and hugged him he hugged you back. He was always your safe place. "I will" you simply said.

You went to the rest of your classes and it was finally the end of the day. You grabbed your serpent jacket from your locker you put it on and headed out. You see Sweet Pea talking to Toni and Fangs they had there jackets on as well. "Topaz" you yelled running at her and hugged her you hadn't seen her all day. "If only I got that enthusiasm when you saw me" Sweet Pea said you giggled.

"She was mine first you stole her from me" Toni said as she hugged me he rolled his eyes. "Aww mi bebe" you said going to hug him he hugged you back. "So I'm just invisible" Fangs said getting offended that nobody has paid attention to him. "Hi Fogarty" you said he just smiled.

"Let's get going" Sweet Pea said as Toni and Fangs got on their bikes. "I have to go to Mantels house" you groaned he sighed. "I'll take you" he said you nodded "Let's go" you heard someone say you turned around it was Reggie. "I'll take her" Sweets said. "You haha no way your not going anywhere near my house Serpent" he said you rolled your eyes. "It's okay babe you can pick me up" you said turning around to look at him he glared at Reggie and looked back down at you he nodded.

"I love you" you said hugging him you heard Reggie huff and puff from behind. Sweets leaned down and gave you a kiss you kissed back and soon let go of him and started to walk with Reggie. "Love you" Sweets said you turned around and blew him a kiss. "You guys are disgusting" Reggie said as we approached his truck you just rolled your eyes. "Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes from your mouth" you scoffed getting into his truck he just glared at you.

"Mantel your literally doing everything wrong" you yell at him as you erased everything off the paper. "Your impossible to work with" he said irritated leaning back on the back you fixed the mistake he made. He leaned over and looked at it and sighed. "How are you doing this serpent" he asked annoyed.

"I'm not in honors classes for no reason for your information just because I'm from the Southside doesn't mean I'm not as inteligente as a north sider I'm smarter than you Mantel" you scuffed he just looked at you in disbelief. "Sorry" he said putting his hands up in surrender. "What? Was that a sorry coming from Reggie Mantel?" You asked in disbelief he laughed. "Shut up" he softly pushed as he laughed. Why is he acting all weird all of a sudden.

You guys continued to work and he progressively got easier to work with you guys even at the end ended up laughing with each other. "Shut it Mantel" you said laughing as you closed your bag and got up. You soon heard the roar of a motorcycle you smiled you knew it was Sweets. "That's my ride" you said going to the front door Reggie follows you.

"Later Mantle" you said at the front of the door. "Later Y/L/N" he said you shook his hand and ran off to Sweet pea.

-days later

"Your so dumb Reggie" you said as you laughed at a stupid joke he said at pops. "Nah your dumb" he said throwing a fry at you. You guys had just finished your project and you were waiting for Sweets to
Pick you up. You haven't had the chance to hang with much because you been working allot with Reggie.

"So your serpent boyfriend" he said you looked at him confused. "What about Sweet Pea" you asked. "Do you actually love him" he asked you looked at him as if he was dumb. "Of course I do he's my everything we grew up in the south side together we joined the serpents together he's my soulmate" you said smiling as you thought of Sweet Pea. "Oh that's deep" he said leaning back in the both you just giggled.

You were outside of pops because Sweet Pea said he was almost here. "Hey can I tell you something" Reggie asked looking down at you looked up at him. "Sure" you said shrugging. "The day they assigned the project I treated you badly and I wanted to apologize to you" he said giving you a side smile. "I'm sorry as well I was an ass as well" you shrugged. "I deserved it I started everything" he said you just nodded. "I accept your apology" You say he smiles. "Hug" he asked. You just give him a hug. You hear a motorcycle roar you look over it's sweet pea.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class" you said and go over to sweet pea. "Hey babe" you said leaning to give him a kiss but he dodged it. "Sweets what wrong" he just gets off the bike and looks at you. "What's wrong what's wrong?" He says angrily. "My girlfriend is ignoring me spending all her time with another guy and you just want me to be okay" he yelled you flinched due to his tone. "And to top it all off your over hugging being all lovey dovey" he said his nostrils flaring and staring you down.

"Sweet pea please listen to me what you saw isn't what you think" you said he just laughed. "Sweets I love you your my soulmate please listen to me" you said grabbing his face making him look at you. "I love you, Reggie means nothing to me he's just some guy in my class. I love you nothing nobody will ever change that" you said his face soften. "You promise" he said pouting you giggled. "Of course I promise" you said he grabbed your waist pulling you closer. He leaned his forehead on yours.

"Your mine" he said pulling you closer. "All yours" you said caressing his cheek he smiled. "Love you" he said and kissed you.

Please leave suggestion and ideas. Hope you enjoy not the best.

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