Controlled 2|Sweet Pea X Reader

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"Dad Juggy" you yelled as you go in the trailer you were soaked it's started raining as you came home."What's going on Sweetheart" your dad rushed in from his room. "Y/N whats wrong" Jughead said walking in putting his beanie on. You just stood there and cried. FP came and hugged you you hugged him back. "Dad I solved our problems" you said into his chest. He grabbed your shoulders and made you look at him.

"What did you do" he said looking at you scared. "What explain" Juggy said you sighed and motioned them to sit down you stood in front of them. "Yesterday at the bar Penny approached me" you said FP sighed putting his head in his hands knowing where this is going. "And she demanded me to do her dirty work or else she would hurt Sweet Pea she would skin you alive taking your serpent tattoo and that she would send dad back to prison" you said they just sighed.

"So I had no choice other than to say yes. But she promised me something" you said they just looked at you in disbelief. "She promised me the footage of jug and Archie delivering a crate in order for me to do it so she couldn't use it against you anymore because I was doing the job" you said. "Yeah she showed me it once" jug said you nodded. "She's a rat how do you know she's not lying" FP said angry. "Let me finish please" you said. "Anyways so today I met with her and then we went to the ghoulies den" you said they just rolled there eyes. "I know I hate that place to but oh well, and I got the package and I delivered it" you said.

"You what" FP said standing up. "You delivered it,   Y/N you know how dangerous that is" Jug head yelled. "I know but I obviously wasn't dumb" you yelled back they sighed. "Penny now has you on tape she now has you my little girl delivering drugs on tape" FP said coming up to you grabbing your face tears in his eyes. "Dad no she doesn't" you said he just looked at you in disbelief. "I wore a mask I took off my serpent jacket they can't prove it's me" you said.

"What?" Jughead asked. "Yeah I learned from your mistake and made sure you couldn't distinguish it was me she has nothing on me" you said FP finger rubbed on the bruise forming on your eye. "Okay what about the tape" FP said separating from you. "I got it" you said fishing it out of your pocket you held the flash drive they grabbed it. "We need to destroy this" FP said grabbing it throwing it on the ground and stepping on it.

"Okay so she doesn't have the tape she doesn't have you on tape this sound like a miracle" Jug said hugging you hugged him back. "She won't be staying back for long she will retaliate" FP said. "Dad what I went through with her is that enough to get her stripped from her jacket" you asked calmly. "Well we will have to have a vote" he said you nodded. "Let's do it I'm not scared" you said he just sighed.

"Wait does Sweet Pea know this" Jug asked. You sighed looking down tears flowing down your face you broke Sweet Pea. As you were going to answer you heard the door being banged on. FP answered it it was Toni. "What is wrong with you you broke Sweet Pea" she said looking at you confused. "You broke Sweet Pea" FP and Jughead asked in disbelief.

"Look I didn't do it on purpose" you said getting close to her. "Listen to her" FP said you sighed and explained everything to her. "Oh my god, poor Pea he is broken rn because of Penny" she said. "How bad is he" you asked your heart breaking. "Well he hasn't left his trailer all day he didn't do his job me and Fangs did and well your all he talks about" she said in a sad voice. "Go talk to him while I get all the Serpents at the worm to have the vote" FP said you looked at him and then at juggy he nodded in agreement.

You walked up the familiar steps memories flood back as you chocked back on a sob. You knocked the door and you heard shuffling inside. "Whoever you are go away" he screamed from the inside. You just sniffled and knocked again "it's me Y/N" you said weakly the door opened. "What you coming to make fun of me to finish breaking me" he said walking inside leaving the door opened you walked in.

"No I came to give you answers" you said quietly as tears fell from your eyes. "Answers to what it's simple you were just playing with me" he said you sighed. "Please listen to me" you said he just rolled his eyes. "Pea I love you I haven't stopped loving you what I said yesterday was to protect you" you said he just started laughing. "Please pea listen believe me Penny made me Penny blackmailed me to do it she was outside your trailer yesterday I had to or else bad thing would have happened" you cried.

"I don't believe you" he said getting closer to you. "Sweet we have to go FP called a emergency serpent meeting" he said. "Go only then you will prove I'm telling you the truth" you said and ran out and drove to the Wrym.

"Okay so you are all here to have a vote, my daughter was just blackmailed into betraying us Penny Peabody made her deliver ghoulie drugs in order to protect her own. She was protecting my freedom she was protecting my son and Sweet pea" he said everybody gasped and started to talk amongst each other. You watched everybody you saw Sweet Pea in the crowd."Now i know this isn't how we usually do things but all in favor of stripping Penny of her jacket and her losing the serpent protection" FP said. Everybody looked at everybody.

Sweet pea stood up and held his hand up others followings. "Alright it's done any serpent who helps Penny will suffer consequences" he said and everybody nodded in agreement. Everybody went to doing there own thing again. You got up and started to head out but you were pulled back you look up it was Sweet Pea. He eyed you up and down and grabbed your hand and took you outside.

"I believe you, I'm sorry for what I said in my trailer I should have listened" he said looking down at you. You grabbed his face and caressed his cheek he put his hand on top of your. "Don't apologize it's all my fault but I couldn't risk you getting hurt your the only real thing in my life" you said he wrapped his arms around your waist and he leaned down and connected your lips.

"Do you love me" he asked looking into your eyes. "More than anything" you said he smiled. " and I love you" he said you smiled you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned up and kissed him he leaned down and picked you up you wrapped your legs around his torso your hands pulled on his hair as you smiled for once today you felt safe you felt okay.

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