I love him 2 | Sweet Pea X Reader

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You walked down the hallway hugging your books closer to your self. You walked to your locker but from a far you saw Sweet Pea leaning on it you made eye contact but to only quickly turn away. "Y/N Hey" you hear him call after you but you feel the tears come so you make a run for the girls bathroom avoiding everyone and everything.

Walking into to lunch was worse you couldn't sit with Archie because he sits with Reggie and Sweet Pea was a negative. You looked around the lunch room to only meet eyes with Sweet Pea again and he was sitting with that girl again. "HEY Y/N SIT WITH US" Sweet Pea yelled. You once again ran away leaving to the library.

"What's with her" Sweet Pea said silently. He sat and thought why she could possibly be avoiding him but he came up short and it honestly annoyed him.

"You did great on your paper Y/N best in the class" Mr.Abe said handing your paper as you walked out of class you smiled and gave him a thank you. You went to your locker to grab your stuff so you could head home. As you closed your locker you saw Sweet Pea right by you you rolled your eyes and walked away. He grabbed your arm "Alright I've been patient all day what the hell is your issue" he asked annoyed as he held tightly your arm.

"Let me go your hurting me" you scowled he looked down at your arm and let go of it and then again you ran away hitching a ride with Betty.

"Alright Mantel What have you done to turn her against me" Sweet Pea asked angry walking into the boys locker room. "What are you talking about" Reggie said everybody was staring. "Y/N your girlfriend why did you talk so much shit she doesn't even want to be my friend anymore" Sweet Pea spat at him. Reggie's face fell and looked around.

"Can you guys leave me and him alone" Reggie said everybody just stared. "Now" Reggie yelled and everybody ran off. "Me and her aren't together anymore" he said Sweet Pea angrier by the second pushed Reggie a little. "What did you do" he asked through gritted teeth. "Nothing man I thought she told you" he asked completely confused.

"No she doesn't even want to talk to me" Sweet Pea said punching a locker. "Look I don't know what happened with her but me and her aren't together and we're not together because of you" Reggie said annoyed now it was Sweet Peas turn to be confused. "Me what the hell?" He asked. "She came to me yesterday crying that she couldn't be with me because she wants you she loves you you idiot" Reggie said. "She went to go look for you yesterday" Reggie said annoyed once again.

Realization covered Sweet Peas face. "She saw me kissing Tanya" Sweet Pea said sitting on the bench. "You fucked up dude" Reggie said walking away Sweet Pea standing up beating up a locker then to soon run out and hop on to his bike and to ride to your house. He saw you through your window looking at a book.

Sweet Pea ran through the door up to your room running into your room. "Sweet Pea leave now" you yelled at him as you at him as he look over your body. "God she's beautiful even in pajamas" he thought. "I'm not going anywhere" he said as he walked to you he wrapped his arms around your body and pressed it against his. "Pea let me go" you yelled punching his chest. "No" Sweet Pea said and crashed his lips on yours. You fought for a while but then you melted into him you wrapped your arms around him. "Jump" he said as he disconnected your lips but soon to connect them together. You wrapped your legs around him he placed you on the desk.

Your hands went up to his hair and they tangled into his raven curls his hands roamed your body. You soon parted ways due to shortage of air. "Woah" was all you said as he leaned his forehead on yours. "I love you Y/N your all I need" he said you opened your mouth to talk but it was blocked by his lips again.

"She meant nothing I was trying to forget you because I saw you happy with Reggie I wasn't going to ruin that" he said you looked into his. Your hands went to his cheek and caressed it."I couldn't be happy if it wasn't with you" you said and pecked his lips. "Good because now that your in my arms again I'm never letting go" he said you smiled and hugged him. "I love you" he simply said you smiled. "And I love you" you breathed out.

"I can't believe Mantel gave you the green light to actually let you be with me" Sweet Pea said as he cuddled you closer. "It's not like he's my dad i do what I want when I want and I want you" you said giggling and he rose an eyebrow. "Talkin dirty already" he smirked you rolled your eyes. "Oh here we go" you giggled he laughed as he pecked your nose.

-couple days later

You sat at the tree at school during your lunch break leaning on Sweets chest as he had you wrapped you up in his arms as you read a book and he was slowly falling asleep reading over your shoulder. "You done reading this page" you quietly said. "Hmm" was all he said you giggled and turned around to look at him. "You little bugger your sleeping" you said he just chuckled and pecked your lips. "Sowy" was all he said before the two of you just stared into each other's eyes.

"Look at these two" you heard someone say you look up it was Archie. "Hello" you sang Archie smiled. "Andrews" Sweet Pea said. "So your a real thing" Archie said you both smiled and nodded. "What can I say I love him" you said as Sweet Pea kissed your forehead.

Long awaited part 2 sorry guys it took forever. Hope you enjoy leave suggestions on other imagines I need ideas love y'all tata. Please vote and comment 💕

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