Im not yours 3| Sweet Pea X Reader

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*triggering content sorry*

You sat at the dinner table looking at the clock it read 7 Pm you sigh as you put your fork down just wanting it to be time to leave this place.  "You okay" he asked you looked at him rolling your eyes you didn't even bother answering your tired of him. "I've lost my appetite" you said getting up and throwing your napkin down. "I'm going to my room" you said starting to walk away. "Doris go with her" he said you rolled your eyes you always needed a guard at all times.

"Did you send him the address" you asked her once in the room sitting on your bed. "I did" she said smiling but then it dropped. "Doris what's wrong" you said going to her. "Your really leaving" she said you nodded a yes. "I have to, I have to go to where my heart wants me to be and it's with Sweet Pea" you said giving her a sympathetic smile she nodded. "I'll come back for you" you smiling hugging her you were going to really need her.

You packed your bag packing only packing the important things. You changed out of your fancy dress that they make you were into black jean a black shirt and a your Serpent jacket. You looked at the time it was now the time 9:30 the gate would stop function for 5 minutes so it was your only time. You opened the window throwing your bag into some bushes. Soon climbing out soon to freedom.

You made your way to the gate opening the lock but an alarm went off you looked around people were running to you. You were screwed. 

"I need you guys to be by your phones non stop" Sweet pea yelled walking into Fangs trailer. "Okay what? Why?" Toni asked confused. "Y/N called she said if she doesn't make it to Sweet water river by 11 then I need go to this direction she sent me" he said they looked at him shocked. "I talked to FP he said if I need help then I have the Serpent help" he said. "Got it" Fangs said. "Let's hope she makes it to SweetWater River" Toni said. They all nodded.

Sweet Pea sat on a rock looking at the river this was y'alls usual spot. He looked at his watch 10 PM he was praying you were on your way. But as 30 minutes turned into a full hour it was now 11 he gave you 5 more minutes but nothing. "Dude it's time get everyone together" Sweet Pea called Fangs soon hanging up. He drove to the Whyte Wrym.

"Shit" you mumbled running but it was no use there was another group of men coming your direction. You stood there having no choice to surrender you were too late to the gate. The men grabbed you dragging you inside Gio was in the living room looking at you livid. "So you were trying to leave" he laughed cynically you stayed quiet as everybody exited the room Gio have them the rest of the night off. You just had your head down. "Who do you think you are" he said coming up to you and slapping you in the face you just fell over on the couch grabbing your cheek.

"I've had so much patients with you but today that's over" he said grabbing you forcing you up grabbing you by the hair dragging you up the stairs into his room. He threw you on the bed you yelped "please don't do this" you cried scared of what he would do. "I gave you your own room I gave you space what an idiot but right now today tonight your gonna be mine my women" he said grabbing you up by your wrist making you stand up.

The knot In your throat released you weren't gonna cry anymore. "Go on have sex with me do it, just know every minute every second I will be thinking about him" you said he slapped you just laughed he threw you back on the bed getting on top of you. "I will never be yours" you said as he kissed down your stomach.

"Oh yeah you won't be mine" he said standing back up taking off his pj pants and boxers getting back on top of you opening your legs entering you roughly tears rolled down the side of your face you looked at the clock it read 10:30 hopefully your misery would be over once Pea came. He continued his actions you just laid there numb he grabbed your arms pinning them on the bed. Your mind went somewhere else in that moment you felt as if you weren't with Gio but that you were with Pea at the quarry in the water his arms around you. Whispering sweet nothings to each other.

He rolled off you, you grabbed the covers wrapping your self with the blanket, he just laid there. " I think you've proven to your self that I belong to another man" you said staring off he looked at you shocked. "You've proven to yourself that in heart soul and body I belong to someone else" you laughed cynically at him. "And that I will never belong to you" you said looking at the clock it read 11:45 soon the roarings of motorcycle echoed in the street you smiled Sweet Pea was here for you.

"Let's get this over with" Toni said putting her truck in drive breaking the gate getting the alarm to go off. Everybody ran into the garden breaking down the windows into the house.

"What is that noise" Gio said getting up putting his boxers on. You got up wrapping the covers over your self. You ran out the room into yours locking the door you ran to the balcony. "YOU GUYS" you screamed they all looked at you. "We're coming to get you they all screamed back you went into the closet grabbing a dress it was all you had. You put on your vans and ran out the door flying down the stairs. As you hit the bottom step you saw Pea, "Sweets" you yelled he turned around you started to run towards him when you were caught.

"Make another move and I'll slit her throat" Gio said as he help the blade close to your throat. "Sweet pea don't listen to him"you said looking at him you saw the anger in his eyes. You saw everybody come in but stopped as soon as they saw you. "Leave my house" he yelled. "You kill her and all the Serpents will skin you alive" Toni said Gio just laughed. "Leave her alone" Sweet Pea yelled. "No this, this is mine" he said referring to you you saw the veins in Peas neck pop out.

"Now everybody leave or el-" he started but soon he was knocked out on the floor. You ran to Sweet Pea finally safe into his arms. "It's okay baby I'm here" he said as you cried you took in the smell of his cologne mixed in with a hint of cigarettes. Soon we were all in a group hug. As you guys released you thanked everyone soon heading out to the garden.

"I think someone wants to talk to you" Sweet Pea said pointing behind you. You turned around and Doris was there holding a frying pan you ran to her knowing she had saved you. "Thank you" you cried "no problem you I love you like a daughter" she said you pulled away and smiled. "Well Doris I want you to meet someone special" you said as you walked her over to Sweet Pea. "This Doris is Sweet Pea my boyfriend" you said smiling. "Hi" he said shaking her old hand. "Y/N we should go he looks like he's waking up" Toni said.  You nodded you grabbed Doris hand taking her with you. Everybody hopped on the bikes heading away.

"I'm telling you it was my mom and dad sheriff Keller" you said Sweet brought you here while everybody went home. "I can't believe this. Well I have no other choice then to arrest them" he said getting up starting to order people around. You went back with Pea. "Everything is settled" you said hugging him.

You were now at Sweet Peas trailer Doris was in his guest bedroom sleeping away she would stay with you guys until you could get back your parents trailer where Doris would now be your guardian and you could live there. But until then your living with Sweet Pea.

"Please don't look at me differently" you said crying you had just finished telling him everything. "Come here" he said making you straddle him you guys were on the couch. "I will never ever look at you different, I love you he's a bastard for what he did and he's going to pay" Sweet Pea said. You just hugged him you were safe again in his arms.

Hope you enjoyed I tried taking everybody's ideas. Please comment what ya think about it

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