The Runaway

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I still couldn't believe all that had happened to me. Rejected, abused, unwanted. And what did I ever do to them? Absolutely nothing.

Yet I'm the bad guy. I shall be blamed for all their flaws and issues, all their stupidity and messes. But why me??? I get it, I was the omega. Basically a slave for the pack to use and abuse.

But thankfully, I have my wolf, Kylie, to help me get through this. She will help me get stronger.

No, we will help each other get stronger. Like a true shifter, we are one.

I smiled. She was as gorgeous as she was wise. Just completely.

We had started moving as soon as we rested for about an hour. Heading I believe east, but I couldn't quite be sure. Obviously, I was in wolf form, but let Kylie take over. She seemed to know where we were, whereas I had no clue.

Dodging trees, Kylie was as swift as a bullet. She seemed to have a certain destination in mind, but she wouldn't tell me where. So I was left to my own mind-

You mean our mind? I mentally shook my head. She was something else.


A few days later, and yes, we were running the whole time, we reached a decent sized lake.

This is it. We're here. Kylie said. She was putting up a tough mask, but I knew she felt the same as I did underneath. Broken and scared.

I looked around. All there was were trees, a lake, and then a small town past the edge of the forest.

Why are we here of all places Kylie? This place doesn't seem important, or even noticeable from anywhere else.

Exactly. The Dark Shadow pack want us back. Not because they miss us, but because we ran, and have proven we aren't worthless. Plus, they no longer have a punching bag anymore.

To say I was shocked was a huge understatement. Not only do they still hate us, but they want us back to abuse us even more!

Why? Kylie, why can't they just leave us alone?

They're scared of you. Your scent has always been... different than the rest of them. It has power behind it, believe it or not. And they're scared that you'll lash back at them if you escape. They don't want you to return for revenge.

And their solution is to beat me senseless? Why are people so sick?!

Kylie slowly gave me control, and I shifted back into human form. Grabbing my duffel bag, I started towards the town. It gave off a bright, sunshiny feeling. It was nice, and new to me.

Be careful. This is another packs territory.

I rolled my eyes, huffing. Of course it was! Why wouldn't it be?

Then why in the world did you bring me here??? I'll be killed before I can blink an eye!

She let out a wolfy chuckle. We made it in the territory without being spotted. What makes you think we'll be seen now?

Oh my gosh, is she stupid?? We are in the heart of their territory!!! Of course we'll be seen!

A low growl came from behind me. All I could think to do was one thing.

I told you so.

"Hey! You! Why are you here, Rouge?" the male spat. He was high rank, and power was rolling through the air. His stern face screamed 'I mean business', and frankly, I was terrified.

"Now, I happen to take an extreme disliking to your kind. So I suggest you answer before I rip your throat out right here."

He was quite unhappy, to put it nicely.

"I, um..."

Give me control. You obviously have no idea what your doing.

I sunk into the back of my mind, and Kylie instantly stood taller, surprisingly towering over the other guy. And he wasn't exactly small either.

"My name is Kylie, Kara's wolf. She has been through much more than anyone of her age should have to, and I would like to move here, where she is safe," she said. Her tone didn't leave any room for argument, and was demanding, yet not disrespectful.

He looked deep in thought for a minute, and his eyes glazed over.

He's using his mind link, Kylie explained.

"My alpha says he would like to speak with you. Follow me." He roughly grabbed my arm, and Kylie gave me control.

"Don't touch me," I said, and yanked it out of his grip. He growled, but continued walking.

After walking for about a half hour, we reached a huge mansion in the middle of the forest.

It's their pack house. And by the size of it, I'd say this is one of the biggest packs in the US.

It was white and black themed, and had huge pillars on each corner, supporting what I'm guessing is a huge third floor balcony. It had about seven stories, and maybe a basement. There were two huge mahogany doors, and when you walked inside, you were greeted by marble floors.

There were spotless white couches, and beautiful stone statues places evenly apart against the walls. Multiple corridors were leading out of the room, each having at least ten doors. But the piece that really attracted your eyes were the amazing white stairs, leading up to the second floor.

The spotless railing was made of gold, and spiraled all the way down. There were topaz gemstones scattered along the intricate designs, and made the whole thing seem to sparkle.

"This way," the man stated. He led me down different halls, turn left, turn right, and it was like a maze. I couldn't tell you how many doors we passed, or corners we turned. It was crazy!

Finally, we reached a set of double doors, and the man knocked.

"Come in," came a gruff voice.

Opening the doors, they revealed a buff man, about 30 ish, sitting behind a large desk, papers scattered everywhere.

He looked up, seen me, and his face instantly hardened. "What is this doing here," he asked the man beside me.

"Gee, nice to meet you too," I said sarcastically.

Kylie growled in my head, along with the two men in the room.

You're pushing it!

Sorry, but he didn't have to be so rude.

"Watch it. I have at least 150 people who would tear you apart instantly if they got the chance."

I rolled my eyes, but instantly regretted it.

In an instant, I was pinned against the wall, a large hand holding me up by my neck. "Listen here, pup. I don't take rouges lightly. You have one more chance to talk, which you wouldn't even have that if I weren't in a good mood today. So quit being stupid, and talk," he spat.

His canines were starting to grow, and he was shaking with anger. But I didn't talk. You know why? Cause the stupid mutt was strangling me!!

"Can't... Brea... *cough* breath...."

He reluctantly let me go, and I fell to the floor. My lungs were screaming in pain, desperately trying to get the oxygen they need.

"I-" I was interrupted by coughs wracking through my body.

"I need a place... to stay. Not in your pack, but in this town." The look on his face said it already.

He was ready to kill me.


Hello lovelies!! So, do you think Kara is done for? Or will she manage to convince the already annoyed alpha?? Only time will tell.... Hehehe...... Hope you guys enjoyed. I'll update again soon!!!



LOVE ME!!!! ^_^ XP

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