Not So Tough Now, Eh?

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When I woke up, my neck was stiff. I must've been out for a while.

There were others in nearby cells, whimpering, blood pooled around them. This pack must be merciless.

Let's get out of here. We have new found strength now, so we could probably take'em out quick, Kylie said.

I moved my wrists around, which were held by silver chains, and felt nothing but a slight pinch. I jerked them slightly, and it felt just a tad bit worse, but still barely anything.

With one final yank, the chains snapped, and I got to work on the ones around my ankles.

Grab, yank, crack. Grab, yank, crack. They came off like nothing. And then, I was free. Well, to move around the cell. I was still locked in.

Lets test our element skills, shall we? Imagine.... Hm.... How about a fire, shooting out of your hands, burning the bars and melting them down to our feet. Make it a small puddle that we can just step over, hm?

I grinned maliciously. I was gunna have some fun with this.

My hand out stretched on its own, and pointed towards the bars. I pictured red coal hot heat flooding through me, and bursting like a hose out of my hand.

A small tingle. A slight buzz. And BAM! There was fire shooting out my palm, lapping at the silver-coated bars. They started to turn an orangy color, and then yellow, and then, it was melting. Running down to the floor, like a candle wick.

I watched every detail closely, admiring my new powers and their abilities. Or, one of them anyways.

Many of the shifters in the other cells stared in awe, horror, and wonder. I think the girl in cell block one may have just passed out...

Kylie was in a frenzy, practically bouncing off the walls of my skull. But you know what? Who cares? I was gunna be free. Free at last, and no one was going to stop me.

Stepping over my puddle of, now melted, silver bars, I took a long look around me. Everyone was either cowering in a corner, or staring in amazement.

I looked at one boy in particular who was eyeing me up. Walking towards him, I glared as hard as I could.

"You know, it's not nice to stare." Making a swirling pattern with my hands, I shot out a small lightening bolt from my finger, striking him in the chest. Not enough to do any damage, but just to get his attention, and shake him up a bit.

Footsteps echoed around the cells. "Who's making all the ruckus down here?! The alpha is not going to be happy if I have to report any of you!"

A young, blonde haired girl stepped into view. "You are all so-" she stopped mid-sentence, staring straight at me. "Who let you out?! What did you do to the cell?! Why are you smiling like that?!?!" Question after question poured out of her mouth.

I smiled sweetly. "Nice to meet you too. Care to give me a tour of the property? Or should I find the way out myself? And believe me, you won't like my method." Let's just say, I was done with the games. Now, I was ready to kick some butt.

Her face paled, and I could tell she was getting ready to flee. Her legs tightened up, her muscles tensed, and she became more alert and focused.

"Fiona!! I am not done with you!" A familiar voice boomed.

Alpha Tristan Stewart himself emerged from the stairway. And boy, he did not look happy.

"You are not to be down he-" he stopped when he looked at me. I had gotten bored, and began nonchalantly examining my nails, which were unfortunately crusted with dry blood. Such a shame, I'd have to go get a pedicure later. Note the sarcasm.

"You let her out?!? I will banish you!! WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION??!!" Tristan's face was bright red, and his muscles were bulging through his black T-shirt. I have to admit, he was a fine piece of man...

That he is... Too bad he sucks donkey butt, huh? Kylie asked.

I sniggered out loud.

"You." Alpha Tristan's finger hung in the air, pointing accusingly at my face. "You are a sly little thing, aren't ya? You know, you fascinate me in the oddest of ways. And I hate you for it. But at the same time, I don't. This... I don't know how you did this. More specifically that," he moved his finger towards the melted silver bars and broken silver chains. "But you will not leave alive. You have defied everything I have said for prisoners in the dungeons. And your life is the cost; not that you were going to keep it anyways."

He had gradually moved closer to me, and now his face was almost touching mine. "And who says you'll be able to kill me?" I demanded. He has no idea what's coming to him.

"Who says you'll have a chance to escape?" he retorted.

I laughed. "You'll never know, because you'll be out cold." I quickly grabbed his forearm, and with all my might, I flung him across the room, slamming him into a concrete wall. Multiple cracks echoed around the room, and then silence.

Nobody dared to move, dared to say anything, or dared to even look at me. Because I just killed the second most powerful alpha in the world.

Hello Lovelies!!
Yes, I'm back from my nonexistent vacation! I'm sorry I haven't updated, and I really don't have a good reason as to why I didn't. I just kinda took a break from Wattpad for a while, and now I'm starting "fresh". Hopefully, I'll be more inspired to write more in the near future, and you guys will all be satisfied with the work I put out. And just an FYI, your comments and votes and reads in general really help with the support. It makes me feel like you guys really want to see more, which is the only reason I do more. Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the nest part!!




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