Okay, You Can't Just Joke About This Stuff!

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As soon as they had chained me, my wolf almost disappeared. Just like, BAM! Gone. I could faintly feel her in the back of my head, roaming, but she was weak. I could tell. My head was pounding every second I was here, and kept getting worse.

And that stupid Alpha Tristan hasn't even come down to 'sentence me' or whatever. But who cares. I've lost too much to lose anymore. Obviously nobody else cares, so why should I, right?

The hard concrete floor beneath me was slowly rising, and becoming darker. I was waiting for this to happen, almost begging for it's arrival. Death was finally coming to me. Finally answering my not so subtle calls. And when it did come, I was beyond ready.


Green, everywhere. Grass and flowers, trees and shrubs. Bugs and wildlife scattered about. A glistening river and waterfall rushed nearby. The trickle of water was soothing, and was surprisingly inviting. Normally, I didn't ever get to go outside. I was stuck doing all work work work, no play.

The only hint of human life was a small wooden bench, facing the rushing river. And on top of the bench was a woman. A very beautiful woman indeed, with long brown locks reaching her waist, an elegant white gown stretching towards the earth, and sun kissed skin. She was looking the other way, so I couldn't quite see her facial characteristics.

"Welcome, child. I have been awaiting your arrival." Her voice was like silk, wrapping around me tightly, to sooth my insides, and turn my knees to jelly. She was welcoming me, but why? And why would she be waiting for me?

"Come, come sit. You must be utterly confused," she said. She had yet to turn around, but I'm not sure if I wanted her to.

I made my way over to the bench, and took a seat next to her. My eyes swept over her appearance, my jaw dropping in awe.

The woman was around 20 years old. She had the cutest button nose, emerald green eyes, and the daintiest features ever. She looked small and frail, yet had a sense of strength and power. Her full lips were hinted with a smile, and she had high cheekbones which made everything look all the more breakable. It looked as if she would break into pieces any second, and I would be to blame.

A harmonious laugh echoed around the small clearing. Her smile had widened, her mouth slightly open, revealing blinding teeth. I Swear if you looked at them too long, you would no longer have any use for your eyes.

"Nonsense dear! I will not break, I promise you. But I have some very serious news for you." Her smile faltered, and her eyes became serious. This must be really important.

"I am the Moon Goddess, and yes, I know that you want to bow, but please don't. I have no time to waste." She quickly continued. "Kyra, oh Kyra. you are meant for great things, my dear. I know your tunnel is dark right now, and will be for a while yet. But please, don't lose fate. Things will turn soon. Your mate, Josh was it? Well, he has something else coming to him. There is a reason you're being put through so much at such a young age. It's all to prepare you.

"An evil is rising. The Dark Wolf? He's back. He went into hiding centuries ago, and has returned. He's coming to take over, and you are to stop him. When you awake, you will find yourself much stronger. You will receive powers that are unknown to the world. These will assist you in defeating The Dark Wolf. Don't be afraid, for fear is also your enemy. Fear brings doubt, and doubt brings failure.

"You are way more powerful than you think, and so is Kylie. The most powerful beings in the world to be exact. But even the most powerful are not invincible. You can, and will die someday. But you need to train. Long and hard, nonstop, working until the time comes. Until you must defeat The Dark Wolf. For now, I can only give you luck. But don't worry, I don't think you'll need it."

The Moon Goddess gave me a warm smile. "Believe in yourself, Dear. For if you can't, then no one can."

The world slowly started fading, and I was desperately grabbing at it, trying to stop it from going. But it was gone all too soon, leaving darkness to envelope me.


Okay, I know, its been awhile.... And I'm so sorry! Honestly, I rewrote this chapter at least five times, and wattpad, being the butt that it has been lately, deleted each and every one of them. Soooo..... Here it is! Hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll try to update faster! But just a warning in advance, im moving soon, so i wont have any internet for a bit. But dont worry! I wont forget about you guys! :P See you all soon!



Love meh!!! XP

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