I Think I Have A Death Wish....

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"You're joking, right?" He laughed. "You basically threatened me in the two minutes you've been in my presence, and now you wish to stay on my land? You must be insane!" His laughs echoed around the room, assaulting my ears from all angles.

I look at the wall behind him, gritting my teeth so hard I think I may have cracked one. He was putting me down, and I can not, no, will not stand for it!

"Well, now that you've had your fun, would you like to tell me the real reason you're here?" His humorous facade was long gone, his serious and threatened one taking its place.

"With all due respect, are you fricking stupid??" I seethed. Probably not my best ides, to insult an alpha, but I was mad. No, furious. No, not even furious could describe a fraction of what I was feeling.

"I. Wasn't. Joking." I paused after each word, my tone dripping with venom. I was hoping if I spoke slow enough, he would actually hear and process what I was saying.

"I am not weak. I am not fragile. And I will not put up with your ridiculous nonsense! You have no idea what I've been through, and even if you did you wouldn't understand! I have went to hell and back, and it seems like I'm starting towards it again. I do not need your bull to deal with!" I screamed. By now my hands were shaking furiously.

"Let me stay, or I can, and will terrorize you and your pack." With those final words, I slumped back in my chair, exhausted suddenly. I hadn't even realized that I stood up.

Hey Kara....

I groaned in my head. I seriously did not need to deal with an upset wolf right now.

I heard that! And you might want to hear what I have to say, she growled.

What Kylie. Can't you see I'm busy?

She rolled her wolf eyes at me, and shook her head no.

You never listen, do you? Anyways, just wanted to tell you, you ticked off one of the most powerful alphas in the world... So.... Good luck!

She quickly retreated into the back of my mind.

Wait, I WHAT????

Frantically looking around the room, I finally found what I was looking for. On the right corner of his desk, was a name tag made of gold. Yeah, I know what your thinking, and you're actually correct.

It was one of those cliche triangular shaped ones with the name engraved into it in black. Exactly like the ones in the movies and tv shows.

But what really scared me was what the name read.

Alpha Tristan Stewart

The Alpha of the second most powerful pack in the world. The Blood Moon Pack.

Slowly, I moved my eyes up to his. They were no longer his light blue color, but the midnight black of his wolf. And he was mad.

"How dare you! Disrespect me, and threaten my pack! Who do you think you are?!?" His voice boomed.

Man, I really hope this room is soundproof...

"In a way, I do admire your courage. But you went too far! You will be escorted to my dungeons, and don't expect any visits. Not from your Mama, your Daddy, or your mate. Nobody will stop me from personally killing you."

I cringed at the mention of my old pack. And he, of course, saw me. But why would he care? He did just admit to wanting to kill me himself.

Better than my old life I suppose, huh?

Kylie growled. Don't even think about them. They deserve nothing from us. And we will NOT go down without a fight!

I shook my head at her. There's no point. Like you said, he's one of the most powerful alphas in the world. He could kill me with a blindfold and his hands behind his back.

Kylie sniggered. I'd like to see him try. Because believe it or not, he has the lower hand. We can beat him easily.

"Take her to dungeon six. I want her chained in silver, coated with wolfsbane. She will not leave the cells alive." Tristan's voice brought me out of my conversation with my wolf.

Two males grabbed my arms, and I didn't even try to fight. What was the point? I was gunna be dead soon anyways.

Honestly, I'm pretty much dead now.


Hello lovelies!! Tryin to keep the updates flowin, hoping you guys are sticking around until it's finished! I mean, no biggie if you don't, but it's nice to know that at least someone did! Lemme know what ya think. Next updates comin soon! Enjoy ^_^




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