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Sampi Linda Vaughan sat at the café with a cup of espresso, the remains of a BLT, and her three-year-old laptop. She had driven for the last nine hours. She intended to stop at the Blackberry Creek territory. She needed the infusion of caffeine.

She laughed softly to herself and typed a reply to the latest message from W0LFF1R3.

"In your dreams, wolfie boy." She muttered softly. But she typed, Someday, wolf, maybe. RL is NVR so simple. Bt if I'm ever in AR I'll look you up. Back to the game. She had no intention of meeting him or even telling him she was in his state.

She took a sip of her drink and waited for his reply. True to form, he typed his next move. As she typed the door to the café opened. She caught the scent instantly.

Lycan. Pack affiliated. She knew there was most likely going to be a problem. She typed; l8r. Hit send and closed the laptop.

The scent grew stronger as the Lycan made her way across the dining room.

She quickly stuffed the cords and laptop into her backpack. Standing she closed the zip and met the females' eyes. In this aspect Lycans were the opposite of regular wolves. To a Lycan, it showed respect, when done properly and at the right time. To a regular wolf, it was a challenge. She was only two arm lengths away.

"I'm just passing through." She assured the woman not looking to get in a conflict.

"No need to rush off on my account. Our territory doesn't start til west of town."

Linda paused slinging the pack over her shoulder.

"Look, Alpha Chance is cool. Don't start trouble, he won't give you any. Rogue or Lone doesn't matter."

"Forgive me if I'm not convinced," Linda said with an edge. "But just for the record, Linda Vaughan.- I'm a Lone Wolf, not a rogue."

"I'm Theta Emma Harris, Greycloud pack."

Linda glanced around. The place wasn't crowded but there were some people there. The three people within hearing distance were too distracted. Two were listening to music and the other was using a hands-free device.

"Here," Emma said and started rummaging through her purse. She pulled out a pen and small notepad. Using the table next to her she wrote something on the paper, ripped it off and held it out to Linda.

Linda chewed the inside of her lip debating whether to take the paper or not. The moment stretched out until Linda took the paper out of awkwardness.

"Our pack is fairly small, only seventy-nine members, the boundaries are well marked, if you do need to cross the territory call me at that number," she pointed to the paper in Linda's hand. "There's a cheap inn on Peck Road, cheap as in price, not quality. Do you have money?" Emma looked truly concerned so Linda nodded. "Mention my name and get a discount, not much but some at least. The gas station on the corner of Peck and Ball has got some great breakfast burritos."

At a loss, Linda shook her head. "Who the hell are you?" She demanded just as the guy two tables over removed his headphones.

He narrowed his eyes, eyed both of them and quickly lost interest. He gathered his things and left. He even dropped his cup off on the counter.

"I gotta go," Linda said. She moved forward, taking a path that lead away from the other woman.

In the parking lot, Linda got in the old orange and white Maverick. She drove away intending on leaving town. A few blocks away she stopped for gas. Cursing softly she could smell the Lycan behind the counter. If she hadn't pumped the forty dollars in gas before entering the store she would have just left.

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