Krynia Devereux and Dylan Frost

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Krynia Devereux and Dylan Frost

(Krynia pronounced KAH-RIY-NAA )

Krynia was the daughter of the packs Theta and Iota. The pack itself was well off financially thanks to the current Alpha pair and the two previous Alphas and Lunas. They had made good investments that still proved to be profitable. No pack member actually needed to work, however those over twenty one who did work or own a business still paid pack taxes.

Krynia's parents worked at a business they owned. Neither wanted Krynia to work outside the pack, they preferred her to assist them with their business. 

Krynia, however, wanted a life that included the outside world. She wanted to travel the U.S. She wanted to visit other packs and places and see all the places she only viewed in movies or read about in books. She started saving money at the age of sixteen, officially working for her parents. Her second job started a year later. She worked for another business owned by a pack member. Her third job was her first job outside of the pack.

Working outside of the pack made her feel more independent. She planned to go on walk-about for two years as soon as she turned twenty-one.  She had already turned in her two weeks notice at her job. Her temporary pack exodus paperwork had been turned in, reviewed, accepted and approved. Her papers had been filed up "mate search" but she had no intention of even looking yet. She'd look for him when she turned thirty. At the moment she only wanted to find herself.

Her mother was not happy about her desire to "find her mate" at this point. Krynia wondered if all parents were so apposed to their offspring leaving home. She couldn't recall any of her friends mentioning their parents being so resistant.

Still her parents insisted on buying her a new vehicle. Her father even had it customed to accommodate her travel. Essentially it was a little camper inside of a van. She had to learn how to work all of it. And there had been a lot to learn.

Her mother, had insisted on creating a new bank account and on adding funds to the account. Krynia wasn't stupid. She had saved for years but the extra money would help her along the way. So of course she agreed.

Why she stood beside the van, tears in her eyes and a longing to postpone her trip she didn't know.

"You have the numbers programed into your phone and written down?" Her dad asked.

She nodded. She brushed away a tear that threatens to fall.

"Krynia, why do you have to go now? You could postpone the search for your mate. Go next year. Or even the year after." Her mother repeated one more time. However, she added, "You may not even have to leave. We have others coming this summer to search for a mate. Your mate could be among them."

Krynia stepped forward and hugged her mother. "I love you mom." She stepped back. "I'll call you as often as I. I'll call when I stay on other pack lands. I'll call if I plan to be in any area more then a week. I'll take tons of pictures and videos. I'll have the maintenance done on the van every two weeks," this had been her father's ultimatum, even if it didn't need anything she had to have it checked. "I promise too eat every day. I won't drink alcohol. I won't do anything illegal." This was true, for the most part, however, there were some things that humans considered illegal, that the paranormal world did not. "I promise I'll get plenty of sleep before I drive."

Her mom cried when she left. Her dad was more stoic but Krynia thought she saw sadness under his goodbye smile.

It turned out Krynia liked driving, except in bad weather. No matter how fast the windshield wipers swished back and forth she found rain annoying while driving.

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