Jasmine Farley and Garrick Elon

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Jasmine Farley and Garrick Elon

Garrick Elon put the mask and very his face before actually entering the store. Eight times out of ten human illness wasn't an issue for Paras. This new one Covid-19 was not one he needn't be worried about.

He knew of one Lycan who had died from the virus already. The girl had been weeks away from her fourteenth birthday.

Now not only were the Lycans and humans concerned but other Paras were as well. Many of the Fae people simply avoided all contact with outsiders.

The Fae people had strict rules governing verbal and physical contact. Now those rules were even more strict than before.

He was a guardian just assigned to Jasmine Farley. Jasmine was the cousin of the Trisha Morley the head of the Morley clan. Jasmine's previous guardian, Jack McCade, had undisclosed family issues that required him to leave.

Garrick bought his purchase and left the store. He pulled away the mask as soon as he was outside.

Three hours later he exited the car again. This time he knew the mask would be in place for hours.

The housekeeper led him through the house to Trisha Morley. She stood, motioned for him to stop just past the doors threshold, smoothed her creamy white slacks and bowed her head in greeting. He knew not to speak until she spoke first, he repeated the head bow as a show of respect. He noted the other two guardians, a butler and two attendance.

"Guardian Elon."

"Dynasta Morley." He inclined his head in greeting.

"I trust your trip was pleasant."

"Yes, ma'am, thank you."

She nodded. "My apologies, that these have become necessary." She touched the pale blue mask she wore. "I trust you've been tested to insure you don't carry the virus."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. But as you know you could have been exposed on your travels to the clan territory. So the mask must remain in place. You will of course have to be tested again. Jada will lead you to the clan hospital when you leave me. Have you been informed on your duties?"

"I have."

"Good. Now, what you have not been told is Jasmine resents the need for a guardian. This is not public knowledge, nor shall it be. She had given her last two guardians a very difficult time. She has not been an easy charge. She's young, headstrong and doesn't believe her life could be in danger."

He nodded. He had read the dossier, what there was of it. The fae were secrets wrapped in secrets. They made an art of keeping secrets without telling lies.

"Unless I have a child, Jasmine is my heir. She is next in line to inherit control over the clan. Her safety can not be left to chance."

It was time for some answers. Guardians were not handed out unnecessarily. The fact that Trisha Morley had two proved there was some threat.

"Tell me about the threat. I need to know if I'm going to protect your cousin. The more information I have the more prepared I'll be."

"Last year my mother died while riding her favorite stallion, Blaze. She was an excellent horsewoman. I've had two close calls myself. Twelve weeks ago Jasmine was thrown from her horse, Theo. She's had two guardians since. But she refuses to believe the incident was more than an accident."

"The council found the threat creditable. Is there anything else I should know?"

Trisha swept her mouth with her tongue. "There have been threats on the family. They were mailed through the post. The post mark indicates the sender sent them from this county. Jasmine thinks it's just someone blowing off steam after the virus lockdown was eased."

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