Update Report

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As of this moment.... I am working on a new project. It's not something I've done, or even seen, before.

A Little Wild.

Yes. That's the name of it. Because it fits the story so well and it's a wild idea. I may be crazy for attempting this story.

Just a heads up... It may, MAY, involve a Wolf Born Lycan. The story is still in the infancy stage. I have a rough blurb but not much else.

Still I can't seem to think about anything else, much less write it. Don't get me wrong, I'll try. I still want to work on this... I just got to see what I can do. Here and with ALW.

I just wanted you to know in case I don't post anything next Monday. Wish me luck.

I honestly don't know how long this hiatus will last. Let's hope, not long.


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