Amaryllis and Gerald *

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All mate matches are perfect at the time the match is set into motion. Some matches are made before either soul takes breath in physical form. Some matches only come about when tragedy has struck leaving a soul adrift without a mate. We all have the potential to be great. It is our choices that make us who we become.

Amaryllis had had many opportunities to make choices to be proud of in her twenty three years. Every bad choice she made she blamed on chance, genetics, or other people. She seldom apologized.

But the truth was that Amaryllis was a bit selfish and had poor impulse control. She became aware of her true genetic makeup she clung to it as a shield against her sexual promiscuity after the age of eleven.

Her mother was a vixen shifter with earth elemental powers but her father was a satyr. He, Byram, seduced her mother at a gathering after her mothers mate passed over the Vail. Her mother had been deep in a depression after the loss. The five days she spent with Byram and his three companions helped her begin to heal.

A month later she discovered the pregnancy. She was overjoyed. She thought having a child was beyond her the moment her husband died. She doted on Amaryllis from the moment of her birth. Amaryllis never heard the word no until it was too late to learn what it meant.

Amaryllis has never met her father. Although he sent her gift, cards or funds, he never attempted to form a true bond.

Amaryllis formed her own bonds. Her first lover was taken at the age of thirteen. The fae boy was thirteen too. Both lacked the experience to make the encounter more than a fumbling mess.

Amaryllis' disappointment led her to older boys. Older boys lead her to men.

At sixteen she seduced a human male. When his wife discover the affair, almost a month after it started, she almost murdered Amaryllis with her bare hands. The couple had to move. The wife no longer trusted her husband and the husband found it hard to forget Amaryllis.

At eighteen she seduced another married human. This wife discover it quickly. Days later in fact. The woman had a seelie fae somewhere deep in her ancestry and had a gift. The woman left him the next day. She took her daughter and infant son with her. But by then Amaryllis had lost interest in the human.

Every week or month she acquired a new lover. Male or female didn't matter to her. Some of the older shifters frowned at the constant stream of lovers. They thought it unseemly and condemned her with questioning if her mate would want her after she soiled herself.

Amaryllis rolled her eyes. Her mate wouldn't care. Her mate would be happy to have her in his bed. She'd make sure of it.

Besides, it was in her nature.

She never expected her mate would be a virgin or have the views of the older pack members.

Her mate discovered her scent outside a human club. He followed it across town. The music blasted through the house. The crowed danced wantonly, unconcerned that yet another stranger appeared at the party.

He squeezed past dancers who grabbed and pulled at him. He followed the scent that he found unbelievably alluring.

On the second floor he stopped at the door were the scent trail ended. There were sounds coming from the other side of the door he didn't want to contemplate. There was no way it could be what it sounded like.

He shook his head, opened the door and his world crumbled.

Two human males, a human female and his mate lay writhing on the huge bed. Their bodies naked, sweaty and pressed intimately together.

Rage filled him at his mates betrayal. He had waited twenty-five years for her. Yet she had not waited for him.

Her nose twitched and her eyes met his over the naked sweaty shoulder of one of her lovers. Her eyes were full of arousal.

He saw the instant she realized he was her mate. "Come." One of her hands caressed a lovers bare flesh, the other reached out to him.

Disgust twisted his stomach. He shook his head. No.

The arousal vanished from her eyes, replaced by alarm. Even as she untangled her limbs from the still writhing mass he stepped back.

He shook his head and turned. He wanted to shift to his fox form but there were too many people to chance being seen.

There seemed to be even more people than there had been when he came inside. Their bodies pressed against his, blocked his path, hampered his movement and irritated his already frayed nerves.

"Wait!" He knew the voice was that of his mate. No other voice could sound so sweet. But the image of her and her lovers played in his mind.

Each touch burned him with anger. He felt his skin crawl. He was close to loosing control.

He pushed the bodies out of his way. Yells of protest followed him through the crowd. Outside he looked for a place to shift but there was nothing.

The houses were too close together and street lights lit up the road. All the houses had at least one light on inside.

With no other choice he took off at a jog.


He ignored the order and kept running. He finally saw a small patch of trees. He turned left and ducked inside.

A small hand grabbed his shirt. His anger forced him to turn around, a snarl on his lips.

"Are you insane?" His mate demanded. He swung his arm pushing her hand from his shirt.

He growled.

"I'm your mate!"

What is your name?" He tried to control the emotion in his voice but it was difficult.

"Amaryllis Vosa." She smiled. Her creamy white legs glinted in the scattered street light filtering through the trees. The long black t-shirt barely managed to cover her nudity.

Gerald felt the attraction but he wanted more of a mate. "I Gerald Kolos reject you Amaryllis Vosa as my mate."

The pain started in his chest and exploded outward. He barely managed to remain on his feet.

Amaryllis crumbled to the ground as pain consumed her. "Nooooo..." She tried to ask why but was unavailable to form the words through the pain.

She mentally refused to accept the rejection. She shook her head. He had no right to do this. He was hers! Pain grew.

"Accept it, damn you." He said through clinched teeth. "Accept it and the pain will ease!"

She shook her head.

Gerald hoped distance would help the pain ease. He turned and started walking away. He felt bad leaving the female alone in the small wooded area but he wouldn't recall the rejection.

He hoped she would accept it and move on.

It was hours later before he felt a significant diminishment in the rejection pain. The pain wasn't gone but it eased. He made it home just before dawn. The two hour walk took double what it should have.

He collapsed just inside the door. No one else was awake.

The pain eased moment by moment. He wished she would just accept the rejection.

It took weeks before he knew the pain was really over.

He didn't even think about finding a choice mate. He simply decided to work on making his business a success.

That was all he needed... For now.


I know we usually see mates that almost fall instantly in love. But think about it... Would you have been able to accept a mate that though so little of you? Keep in mind Lycans are raised with the knowledge that there is that one person made for them.

There's only one more chapter in this MAKES MAY MEET book of short stories. So wish me luck... Because I don't yet have a scenario in mind for the last chapter.

Happy Reading,

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