Rose Rays and Shaine Darrow

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As you may know, this is the last MMM short story for this volume. I hope to start MMMII soon but I have real life issues to deal with as well. However, I will get started on it as soon as possible.

For now, enjoy the completion of this group of stories.

Happy Reading.


Rose was born to a Castor mother and a human father. She was tiny, even as an adult, and had the temper of a mouse, unless provoked. She had no innate castor power. But that didn't bother her.

She found her talent in her mothers gardens and later her own. She loved the earth in her hands. The sun on her face was a blessing from the Creator. She was fascinated by the process of plant growth. The tiniest seed could produce some of the most magnificent plants. The smallest flower could bare the sweetest fruit.

Her father built houses and renovated the ones that already existed. The summer she was sixteen she worked with him. That summer she discovered landscaping as a career.

That seed of curiosity bloomed. By her 20th birthday she was regularly performing landscaping for some of her father's clients.

On May 25th she drove down a three quarter mile driveway where her father, George Rays, was meeting with a prospective client. The tree lined driveway gave way to perfectly manicured lawns and gardens.

Rose couldn't help but slow down to try to get a look past the beautiful foliage and budding plants. She hoped the homeowner would let her explore.

Her father's white Ford sat in the center of the circle drive. A woman stood with him by the truck. They smiled as she exited her small green and gray truck.

Her father made the introductions. If not for Beth's smile Rose would possibly be offended by the woman's decline of a handshake.

"Shaine will be here in a moment. He's just finishing up a phone call. As I was telling Mister Rays, we moved here a few years ago and haven't had time to deal with the house. Shaine's passion is for the garden. So the house interior is exactly as it was two years ago." She looked at the stone two story home. Her expression clearly showed her distaste. "Don't let the outside fool you. The inside is filled with stark white, shiney metal and hard lines."

"Actually, I was going to say from the outside it looks almost like a big fairy cabin." Rose said thoughtfully.

Beth turned to her, laughing softly. "That, Ms. Rays, is the point. I'm sure Shaine will give you carte blanche to see to it the inside meets the expectation the exterior inspires."

Rose couldn't help her curiosity. "And the gardens?"

"That is my brother's domain. He does all of it himself."

Rose saw no need to hide her disappointment. "Too bad. I was hoping to get my hands in the soil." She shrugged. "Or at the very least to explore the grounds." She didn't notice the look Beth directed at her.

Moments later Shaine exited the wooden double doors and descended the wide short stone stairway. 

Beth perform the introductions. Mr. Darrow didn't shake her or her fathers hand either. After introducing Rose, Beth added, "Ms. Rays wants to get her hands on your garden, brother."

Beth thought momentarily she heard an innuendo in the comment. He looked east towards the foliage. Rose too looked in the same direction.

"I told her the gardens were your domain, she seemed quite disappointed." Beth explained.

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