Abby Granger and Dillon Westend *

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 Abby Granger and Dillon Westend 


Abby Granger hung the dress back on the rack of clothing, adjusted the metal and plastic sign that displayed the price and turned to her boss, Abba Kensbre. 

“Sorry, Abba, I just wanted to get this straight before we lock up.” She knew she didn’t mind but felt the need to say it anyway.

“Hey, You’re preaching to the choir, girl. But I thought you had a doctors appointment.”

They turned together and headed to the back of the store. 

“I do. Kind of. It’s no big deal. Trask won't care if I'm a few minutes late and I hate coming in to a mess in the morning.”

They collected their things and said their goodbys. It only took Abby twenty two minutes to get to the packs clinic. Before she arrived her stomach erupted with butterflies.

Trask was waiting for her. “This is why you are always scheduled last for your appointments. Do you have something against being on time?” he asked as he motioned for her to take a seat on the exam table.

“I have a job. It comes first. We agreed on that when I agreed to be your lab-rat.” She shrugged off her lightweight over shirt. She put on the gown before sitting down. He took her vitals and asked a few questions. 

"And no headaches?"

"No more than usual. But I know what to do now."

"Do the headaches still come with nausea? Everything else is good, normal?"

"Sometimes. It just depends on the headache. Today, I've had some serious butterflies in my stomach. Or maybe just one giant one." She made the joke in response to his lifted eyebrows. 

As soon as he was sure she was healthy and didn't currently have a headache, he led her to the quiet room. The quiet room just down the hall she rubbed at her stomach. The butterflies felt like they were trying to fly out of her belly button.

“Alright, Abby. This week we’ll be seeing how well you do with an unknown subject.” he explained as they arrived at the door.

“No.”” she said as they reached the quiet room door. “You agreed no one else would know about me except the alpha and luna.” She shook her head. “You promised me, Trask.” 

“Wait, wait, Abby. No one knows who you are. It’s anonymous. For you and the other subject. No names. You just sit and see, if you can. After the hundred, you switch. We want to see if you can send as well as receive.”

Abby cocked her head to the side. “You never tried that before.”

“Because I'm not sensitive like you. It's unlikely I'd ever receive a message you send. But we have one other person who is a sensitive, a visitor, and we want to see if the two of you can work together.”

A visitor? Abby chewed the inside of her cheek. "Who- sorry. Anonymous. Right. Okay. Let's go." No. She refused to be emotional about this. Even if this person was like her they were only visiting. There was no chance at friendship, no bonding over their similar gifts. She'd never be able to ask if s/he had thought s/he was going crazy when his/her gift started to manifest.

Trask opened the door and stepped out of the way. The room was 5 feet by 8 feet. To the right of the door a mirror covered almost the entire 5 feet of wall. Three feet from the mirror sat a thick pillow top chair. 

Abby immediately sat in the chair. "Ready."

Trask hooked up the wires that led back into the wall from her forehead, neck, face and head. 

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