Chapter 2: Late night encounters

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I got home just in time to see my step father hit my mother and storm out the front door.  I ran over to help her.  She had started crying.  I gently laid my hand on her cheek but she slapped it away.


I was so shock at what my mother had said the women that was supposed to love me like no other. I stormed out not knowing what else to do.  I ran as fast as I could this women was crazy.  I was scared and tired and lost.  I stopped to catch my breath and sat down.  I didn't know were I was and it was starting to get cold since it was late August.  I looked around.  The leaves were turning colors really early and it was getting cooler.
I was lost. At first I thought I was going to Emms.

‘‘I must have taken a wrong turn” I thought aloud sitting down on a cold stone ledge.  By then it was dark and the unflattering street light had gone on. I sat there for a while when all the sudden...
‘‘hey little girl! You lost!”

I turned around to see three guys walking towards me.  The one that had yelled at me stumbled but regained his balance.  I got up and started walking away they looked drunk and I didn't want any trouble.
‘‘Stop!” I heard behind me.

I didn't stop I was too scared to.  By then I was running they were fast though.  They weren't even breaking a sweat but how?  Quickly I turned a corner but ran into someone.  I fell to the hard sidewalk and looked up.  There standing in front of me was the most amazing boy I had ever seen.  His deep royal blue eyes were like pools of the deepest water yet they were kind and gentle.  His skin was pale but not ghostly.  His dark brown hair almost looked black in the dark streets.
It felt as though something clicked in my mind but I just couldn't put my finger on it...
‘‘Get over here you little bitch!” I heard from behind me.

I turned around terrified as to what they were going to do to me.  I heard a low threatening growl and turned to see that it was the boy.  A look of pure murder in his eyes as he gazed upon the men with hatred.  But why?
‘‘Is something wrong here James?” the boy snarled menacingly to front runner of them all.

 Which now that I got a closer look at him I saw that he wasn't bad looking.  He had shaggy blond hair that went slightly past his ears.  Paired off with light chocolate brown eyes.  He was somewhere around 6ft 2 and 6ft 3.  With a muscular build.  Yet the boy was easily taller around 6ft 5 or 6ft 6.  And judging by his tight black t-shirt Much stronger
“Um n-n-no I-I-I j-just wanted t-t-to h-have a l-l-little f-fun right boys?” he stuttered shurley.
“Just a little fun huh?”
“yay man we just uh... lets go guys.”  
And with that they all...TURNED INTO GIANT WOLVES!
“AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” i screamed at the top of my lungs just before passing out...

Xavier P.O.V

(starting when he first saw her so just bare with me)

Here I was again having to go out on baby sitting duty for my fathers idiotic pack members.  They are always getting into touble and with the feud going on between us and the red bark pack its not very good.  You see im next in line to become the alpha and when i was about one the alpha of red bark had his first daughter.  He and my father got together and decided binding the packs was a good idea and what better to bind the packs with than a mated pair.  Unfortunatly the red wood luna didnt want this binding of the packs and ran away with her daughter and hasn't been heard from since.

I must have really been absorbed in my thoughts because the next thing i knew i had bumped into something... or rather someone.  For a split second a sweet aroma seemed to fill and circulate throughout my entire body then all at once its gone.  I hear a slight thud and look down at the most amazing creature I have ever seen.

She had big grey blue eyes that seemed to pierce my very soul and long blonde hair reaching just above her waist.  She couldn't be more than a year younger than me.  Against my will my eyes started to roam her body taking in her slender yet generous curves.  I could almost feel my wolf trying to take over flooding my thoughts with what I could do to those curves...Oh god what am I thinking?

-You thinking all the right things trust me- my wolf said teasingly in my mind

-what do you mean?- I asked my wolf curiosly

And with that one word I knew I had found her.  I was never going to let her go again...

* Quick little note I'm not shure if I am going to contiue of not so if you like it and want me to continue please,please,pleas leave a comment?  Also thank you for reading my book it really means alot to me!*❤😘

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