Chapter 13: Shit

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“So what are you?” he asked looking at me with scrutinizing eyes. “Ill wait till Brents here to find out.  Maybe if I get lucky you'll be a girl... No dad would never let that happen.  Looks like we'll have to nuder you buddy’’.  He said giving me a sinister smile and trying to pet my head but thought better of it do to my growling at him.

It didn't take long for Brent to show up (he was the usual tall dark and handsome type).  I was terrified as to what would happen now that he was here.  I still can't control my change, I don't even know how I turned wolf in the first place.

“Time to reveal what kind of a mutt this is’’ said Aiden looking at me.

It was only then I realized there were two other boys besides Aiden and Brent.  All of the boys had the same basic build but one of the new guys had red hair and green eye while the other had black hair and light blue eyes.

“My money says its  a girl that looks like her face was hit by a truck”  said the boy with black hair who I now know has an English accent.

“No way its probably an old man with no teeth’’  replied the red head nonchalantly.

“It definitely has teeth, and I hope its bark is worse than its bite’’  said Aiden.

“Well I for one want to know what the hell it is so Aiden please switch out the collars already?”  said Blake.

“Fine’’ and with that Aiden put on some weird looking collar that was a weird purple metallic color and took off the one that held me to the ground.

I tried to run but couldn't move no matter how hard I tried.  Then the change started to take over.  It stung a little but I was more worried about the fact that all these guys were going to see me...NAKED!Once the change was finished I tried to cover myself as much as possible.  Which wasn't much.  I heard a low whistle and looked up at all the guys staring at me.

“Damn you got Soooo lucky!”  the redhead said.

“No fair!  She is way hotter then Natty!”  said the guy with black hair.

“Yeah dude you scored!”  Blake said punching Aiden in the arm.  

But all Aiden did was stare at me with a sinister smirk plastered on his face that I’m sure promises trouble.  He threw a blanket at me that barely covered my necessities and said “sit”  and of course I tried but failed at defying his orders. “good girl.  I think I’ll name you’’

“My name is Ana!”  I screamed at him, glad to see a moment of shock appear on his face for a moment before he signature smirk reappeared.

“Very well. Ana’’ He bent down and grabbed my chin just tight enough so I couldn't look away from him.  And he whispered. “But you will be punished for yelling at me’’

He then backed away and I could see that all of his friends were doing other stuff in what i'm guessing is his room.  But all were smirking obviously having heard what he had said...shit.

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