Chapter 18: The End Is Here...

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Ana's P.O.V

I was woken up by the sound of the door slamming.  “He will not have you”  Aiden started walking in circles like an angry bull.

“What?’  I asked not caring and only half awake.

“That mutt thinks he can get you back but he’s wrong.  Your mine, I own you.  The worst part is that my father thinks its okay!  He actually agreed to give my pet to the mutts!”

“Wait who wants who i'm confused?”

Aiden walked over, a sneer on his face, and grabbed my chin so roughly that I thought it might brake. “You are my pet, and your stupid little mate thinks that he can get you back...But he’s wrong if I can't have you no one can”  His voice was deathly calm as i sinister smirk appeared on his face.

He grabbed me by the neck yanking me too my feet.  He dragged me over to his desk where he grabbed a rope and tied it around my neck.  He then grabbed a knife and brought it to my face dragging it just enough so that a trickle of blood drips down my cheek and onto my unclothed body.

“Do you know what happens when a mutts mate dies?”

“I-I I can’t...” I choked out grabbing at the rope and trying to loosen it but he was too strong.
“Well you see when a mate dies it destroys the other mate physically and mentally.  They can't eat, (he tightened the rope) sleep, (even tighter) or even think, (tighter) until eventually the pain becomes so unbearable that they give into the beast side of them” He dropped me to the ground and I lay there gasping for air.  He kicked me and i felt pain shoot through my body as my ribs cracked and punctured my organs.  He kicked me again this time in the head and I would have passed out had he not punched me again bringing me back to reality unfortunately.

I thought of Xavier, thinking about how broken he would be if Aiden was right.  That was all i needed to fight back.  I jumped to my feet stumbling but i latched onto Aiden using every little bit of energy i had i threw him to the ground only to stumble towards the door.

“Ha, how cute you think you can escape me. Wrong.  Don't worry as soon as your little mate has gone crazy I'll have you reincarnated.  You'll even look the same”  he said walking towards me paralyzed in my spot.  He ran a finger down my face and placed both hands on either side of my face.  “You don't know this but I've seen you before this isn't your first life, and next life you will be with me not only, as my slave but as my love”  He placed a light peck on my lips before pulling back looking deep into my he snapped my neck...


So that's my story.  Now i'm stuck watching Xavier suffer and Aiden search trying to find the reincarnated me.  I won't remember this story when i'm reincarnated.  My story.  But you will, so please if you find me, a short blonde with grey-blue eyes and freckles, walking around tell me about my twisted past.  Help me avoid this seemingly endless circle of fate.  Cause i am forever stuck in this unending story.  This cheesy Romeo Juliet love story.  And it sucks.

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