Chapter 5: The woods (Ana)

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Xavier P.O.V

I was pacing in the hallway right outside of the living room.  I wish the walls in this house weren’t soundproof.  I thought to myself.


I turned around to see me angel looking confused.


“I need to ask you something.”  She slowly walked towards me.

“Sure, but first would you like to go for a walk?  You have been cooped up in here for a while I thought you might want to get out.”

“Yeah i’d love to!” she said excitedly.

“Great lets go.”

Ana’s P.O.V

I couldn't wait to go outside!  I don't know what it was but just being in here made me feel claustrophobic.  Even though I was curious about what an “official” mate bond was I didn't want to bring it up just yet.

We walked through seemingly endless hallways until we came to a beautiful kitchen.  Everything was golden colored and smelled like fresh baked bread.  There was an island in the middle of the amazing kitchen and beyond that a wall of windows complete with a sliding glass door.

“wow.” I said breathlessly

“I know come on,” he grabbed my hand sending tingles up my spine “We can walk in the garden.”


Slowly we made our way through the french sliding doors and out on to the great wooden deck looking over the entire yard.  It was beautiful with a giant in ground pool to the right and separated by a cobblestone pathway an amazing garden to the left.  Then just beyond that and surrounding the entire yard was a forest that seemed to call to me.

At that moment I lost all sense of control and bolted for the forest.  I heard the sound of fabric tearing but didn't stop to see what it was.  I ran through the forest as fast as I could.  The feel of the wind in my fur was AMAZING

wait....fur?  Immediately I stopped.  That was like the splash of cold water to the face that I needed.


my wolf practically yelled in my head before I started running again.  It wasn't me doing the running though.  My wolf had completely taken over now and it was like being in the passenger seat of my life.  I was just along for the ride with  no control.

-STOP- I heard Xaviers voice in my head.  But there was something about seemed more feral and wild not calm and cool tempered like I was used to.

Immediately my wolf stopped looking expectantly around the now dense forest.  Until she laid eyes on the most magnificent, huge, black wolf.  The only thing strange was its deep blue eyes that seemed to draw me in.  My wolf walked closer like she recognised it.

-What are you doing!- i yelled at my wolf.

-Going to our mate duhh.- my wolf said breathily.

-what?- i asked confused.

-Think about it.  You can turn into a wolf.  Our mate can turn into a wolf.  You feel that draw to him?  That would be a mate link.  Once you finish the bond the link will be much stronger.-

-How do you complete the mate bond?-

-Ask him.-

I was suddenly pulled out of my conversation and back into the real world.  Looking into those deep blue eyes that were suddenly inches from mine.  I felt a cool breeze run all along my body and shivered. Wait my body?  I looked down and sure enough there was my very own human body, but something was wrong...I WAS NAKED!

I looked up at Xavier trying to cover myself as much as possible and noticed he was exactly the same...naked i mean.  I looked from his face down to his sculpted eight pack but didnt dare go farther in fear of what I might see.  I quickly looked back at his face which had an arrogant smirk and an amused glint in his eye.

“Like what you see?” he asked arrogantly.

“In your dreams.”  I said back suddenly feeling comfortable.



“You always like what you see in my dreams...and much more.”  He said inching closer.  I could feel myself blush furiously at what he said.

“Ahem.” I heard from behind me and looked to see who it was.

“I brought clothes for you but if you'd rather stay naked in the forest with my brother, please, be my guest.”  An unfamiliar boy with dark brown hair chocolate eyes and a face that looked like a slightly younger version of Xavier said with a mischievous glint in his eye.  I looked down at my naked body and suddenly registered where I was, again trying to cover as much as possible.

“Thought so,” he said throwing me a pair of black lace panties with a matching push-up bra and a way to big t-shirt.  “Go change before something...unexpected happens.”

I did as I was told and changed behind a nearby tree but not before I heard a low growl come from Xaviers direction.


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