Chapter 16: Found Her

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“Well lets go, I for one don't want to miss the fights,” said Anthony.

“Great, you guys go I have to leash up the mutt then ill meet you there.”  replied Aiden and I couldn't help but growl at him. “Quiet.”  GOD why can I not disobey him it is seriously getting on my nerves.

“Such a temper she has, see you later bro.”  Blake said and walked out of the room followed by the others.

Aiden walked over the a desk and pulled out a black leather collar with rubies and a metal plaque type thing on it that said ‘Property of Aiden Cardoza’, along with a matching leash.

“Come” and as usual i fought and lost.  He placed the collar around my neck and said “size”  it immediately became the perfect size clinging tightly but enough that I could breath.

“Its magic you already know what happens if I say pain.” again I felt fire ignite through my veins. “Oops my bad.” he said smirking as I fell to the ground.

“I also control when you change but I won't say the magic word just yet.”

“Dickhead” I managed to gasp out now on my knees trying to catch my breath.

He squatted down and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.  “Now, this is a command so listen.  You will be on you best behavior or you will be punished when we get home.  So feel free to disobey I am Soooo looking forward to when you slip up because the punishment I have in mind is going to be very fun and i'm sure you'll enjoy it too”  he said winking and walking out of the room.

“Come”  and this time I didn't even fight it if I was going to escape this place unscathed I was going to have to play by his rules...This is going to be tough.

Xavier's POV

“Son I have good news and I have bad news, which would you like first”

“Good news I need at least a moment of possible happiness”  I said rubbing my eyes out of exhaustion.  i haven't slept well since Ana went missing I need her.  I only knew her for a day or two but she is all I think about and its driving me crazy not knowing if she is okay or not.  I'm so on edge I fear any moment I could shift and that would not end well, best case scenario I kill only half of the entire pack.  You can see my predicament.

“We have found Ana” my father said

“Where is she?!  We need to get to her!”  I yelled jumping out of my chair.
“Sit” I reluctantly sat back down.  “The bad news is that she has been taken into the vampire slave trade and sold”

“To who?”

“The vampire king himself.  He might be a vampire but he is reasonable and kind by their standards.  I have asked to meet with him on this subject and he has agreed.  We leave for Spain in an hour be ready we will land right in his palace.  Be humble and gracious to them we are not the enemy we are guests and we shall act that way understood”

“Yes Alpha”

“I will introduce you as the future Alpha.  Make nice with the vampire royals they may not be your favorite allies but they will be your most dangerous enemy”

“Yes Father”

“Go pack we leave in 30 minutes”  with that I nodded and walked to my room hoping to god that getting Ana back would not resort to least not in her presence.  For I would not hold back and it would most likely scare her.

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