Chapter 12: Sold and Commanded

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I’ve been here for around two days I think.  Its hard to tell because there is no natural light.  Around seven people have been taken away and eight new ones have taken their place, one of them only five years old.  I learned the girl sitting next to me,s name is Gwen.  We have become fast friends.  It turns out she has twelve brothers and sisters.  She is the oldest at seventeen and has a single mom who is a total crack-head.  She sold herself into the slave trade to feed her younger siblings.  They tried to stop her but she left secretly and sent back the money...She hasn’t heard from them since.  She has been here for five months.

I hear a door slam and all the guards bow down on one knee.

“I’m here for Ana, Gwen, and Houston.”

“ Yes, your majesty. You heard the man get the slaves... NOW!”

A guard across the room grabs a boy a couple years older than Gwen and I and puts a silver collar with a chain attached around his neck.  He screams out in pain and i wince knowing the same fate awaits me.

Two guards walk towards Gwen and I.

“At least we might stay together...”  Gwen whispers, I look over at her to see a brave face but terrified eyes.

“we'll be fine.  I know it.”

“I really hope you're right.”

The guards take off the chains around our wrists and I sigh in relief from the pain.  Only to feel like my neck is on fire two seconds later.  I look over and see Gwen scream out in pain but I can't hear her over my own howls of pain.  They stick us with needles and within a few seconds I am out.


I wake up on what looks and feels like an over sized dog bed.

“Morning Princess sleep well’’. I look up to see the most beautiful guy ever. He isn't my type but you can tell he is good looking in his own way.  He has pale almost white skin, sandy blonde hair that reminds me of a surfer boy, and dark brown almost reddish eyes.  He obviously dwarfs me in size with broad shoulders and defined muscles everywhere, also standing around 6’8.

I try to attack him only to learn two things. 1 I am in wolf form and 2 I am chained by the neck.  This caused me to flip onto my face rather than harm him.

‘‘Aww, falling for me already?”  The stupid boy says mocking me.  And all I can do is growl.

“So is it a girl or boy?”  He says looking back at a women that is basically the female version of him but shorter and a man I recognize from the night I was taken.  But yet again all I can do is growl.

The women looks to the older guy and asks “Well?”

“You'll have to wait and see.  Try a command on it’’.

“Fine’’. The boy says “Sit’’. and besides every being in my body trying not to, I sit.

“Okay we have to go Aiden will you be fine with that thing?”  the women say with a voice sweeter than honey.

“Yeah mom we’ll be fine’’  and with that his parents left the room.”

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