Chapter 15: Day 5

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Xavier's P.O.V
think i'm going crazy.  Ana has been missing for five days now and I can't even do anything about it.  I tried to track her down but her scent went cold once I got to town.  It was like she disappeared into thin air. There are continuous search parties out but I don't think its enough.

“Calm down i'm sure we’ll find her in no time”  my brother said placing his hand on my shoulder to stop my pacing.

“Why should I be calm!  My mate is missing and i'm stuck here doing political business instead of searching for her!”

“Stop.  Calm down before you shift.  You are of no use to anyone if you shift.  You also are well aware that you are the best at many things but tracking is not one of them.  Let the professionals do their job or-”

“Excuse my interruption but a letter has arrived for the alpha and he requests your presence sir”  said a guard obviously talking to me.

“I must go we shall continue this conversation later”  I said leaving my brother for more meaningless politics.

Anna's P.O.V

I woke up with strong cold arms wrapped around my waist the light sound of snoring in my ear.  I tried to push free but only got about an inch of wiggle room.

“screw it”  I whispered to myself slowly wiggling down to get out of his arms.  I almost made it to when he finally woke up.  Unfortunately for me the position was somewhat compromising.

“Now what do you think you're doing down there, Love”  he asked with a mischievous smirk.

“Trying to get away from you, asshole” I answered sweetly smiling when his face contorted into one of anger.

I a second I found myself in an even more compromising position.  My wrists being held above my head by one of his massive hands.  Him on top of me between my legs.

“What did you call me?”  he snarled menacingly.

“You heard me”  I spat back getting confused when a smile appeared on his face showing off pristine white fangs.

“Such a spirit you have...It will be so much fun breaking it”  He said lurching forward and burying his fangs deep in my neck.

You know all those vampire romance books that talk about how it feels to be bitten.  How it might hurt a little but then it turns into a pleasurable experience.  Or how it is just plain amazing and you see fireworks and it feels...well good.  

Yeah well they all lied.  It hurts like bitch!  All I can feel is pain surging through my body as he strains his white sheets with my blood.  My last thought before I pass out is, -poor maid will have a hell of a time getting that out.


I wake up with a hell of a headache.

“You brought that on yourself.  Clothes are in the bathroom.  Go shower, you have five minutes or i'm coming in after you”  said asshole.

“Wow so generous, do you treat all of your prisoners this way or am i special?” (Note the sarcasm)

“Four minutes now, however no need to rush id love to join you”  

Not taking any chances I raced into the HUGE bathroom and practically jumped into the shower.  I was pretty proud of myself because I got done in two minutes on the dot.  Leaving me just enough time to get dressed.  My happiness was short lived as soon as I saw the clothes my jaw dropped.  They could barely be called clothes they were so skimpy.  All I had was a black lace pushup bra and thong, and then a tight black shirt that showed my entire stomach and was so low it almost showed the bra,  and black shorts that were so short they almost showed the bottom of my bum, no joke.  The only part of the outfit I liked were the bright red converse high tops, thank GOD he didn't pick heels I honestly would have DIED!

I walked out only to see him on the other side of the room talking with the three guys from the night before.  I didn't know what to do so I just stood there once again trying (and failing) to hide myself from him and his friends.  

The ginger looked at me “Damn you sure you want to fight her you might ruin her pretty face, or body”
“She's feisty but I don't know if she'll be able to hold her own in the rink dude”  the one I recognized as Blake said to a Aiden.

“She’ll be fine” he said looking at me “Come”  and once again fighting his command got me nowhere except right by his side.

He wrapped a cold arm around my waist.  “The Ginger is Casper, I assume you know Blake, And he's Anthony” he said pointing to each one in turn.

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