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The streets were empty, maybe a few people here and there. It was cold, yet I went out in a T-shirt and joggers for my run before I had to go to work.

I was getting close to the cafe until I saw a white cat. I crouched down and pet it, "You look like a cloud." I whispered.

It meowed at me, I checked it's neck for a collar or a tag for information. It didn't have anything on it, a stray.

I looked at the cat and stared at me too, "I'm taking you home." I picked it up and walked to the cafe.

The cat didn't mind, enjoying the lift into a warm building. "Boss! I'm here!" I yelled as I went through the door.

"Good morning Miwo!" My boss, Miss Amy, greeted.

"I found a cat, can I keep it in the building while I work? At least until I have to go home."

"Sure! Just make sure it's not a female, we can't have a female with all these male cats." She said putting on her apron.

I lifted the cat up to check it's sex, "Male." I was a bit disappointed, but still loved the fluffy animal.

I put it down and pet it one last time before I had to go change into my work clothes.

"Miwo! Hurry we need the chef to get ready!" My boss referred to me. I do two things as a job in the cafe, I am the baker/chef of the cafe and one of the waiters when there is no rush hour.

"Alright... I'm going." I went to the back to change into my work clothes. I put on the white shirt and pink apron with the hair net on my head.

I also put on gloves so people don't get sick from whatever I touched. "Miwo you ready? Rush hour is getting here soon."

I opened the door from the back room and went into the kitchen, "Is everyone here?" I asked my boss.

"Yes everyone is here, I'll go get everyone ready with their instructions for today."

I nodded and started getting ready for orders to pile in.

The shop finally opened to a line of people that come regularly.

"Miwo! Orders are coming in hot!"

I got my spatula as my co-worker brought me several orders.

The rush hour was gonna be long.


I went out the kitchen and sat on a chair closest to counter. Everyone was worn out from the rush hour.

"Guys I don't think I can move." One of my female co-works stated.

Everyone groaned in agreement, expect me only my shoulders and fore arms hurt.

"Miwo want to go drinking tonight with everyone?" One of my co-workers asked.

"No thanks I have some business after this." I said looking at the white fluffy cat as it strutted across the room.

I smiled and then my co-worker assumed something, "It's a girl huh? Who is she? I thought you were single."

I looked at him, "It's no one I'm still single." I laid my head in my arms.

"Awe man, and here I thought you were gonna become a better person 'cuz of a girl." He complained.

I flicked a straw at him from my apron, "Shut up."

I took off my hair net and rubbed my head. "You guys drink so often I'm surprised you guys don't have alcohol poisoning."

They laughed, "You just never go drinking with us. Come on it'll be fun." One of the female co-workers touched my shoulders.

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