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The day before the hot spring on ice event, Yuri and Katsuki got to pick out outfits for their free program.

I looked at Viktor as they argued on the outfits, well Yuri argued. "You sure this is okay?"

"Of course, most don't fit me like they used to anyway." He said with a smile.

I nodded, "Yuri won't be able to concentrate... He found his agape, but he's still power hungry. Hopefully that changes on the ice, but quite honestly it's low in possibility."

"What is his agape anyway?" Viktor questioned as both Yuris finally decided on an outfit.

"It's between us." I looked at my blonde holding a very flashy outfit.

'Yuri did confess I was part of his agape, but he told me it was mostly for his grandpa. He told me his grandpa would support his skating career after his mother and father passed away.' His family is more important.

I sighed and stepped out the room, tomorrow was the big day. Anyone can win, but... Yuri please listen to your heart.


The next morning I woke up to a Yuri on my chest, lightly snoring and drool dripping out his mouth to my shirt.

I sighed and put my head back, petting his hair. Cloud meowed loudly running towards me.

"Hey Cloud, how'd you like your stay here?" I reached over and pat his tiny head as he purred rubbing his head into my palm.

I sighed and lazily dropped my hand, I sat up slowly letting Yuri's head go to my lap. I combed through his smooth blonde hair, I heard him groan and he began to stir.

"Good morning."

His eyes fluttered open and he snuggled up some more to my stomach. "Morning old man."

I huffed, "You really are a brat sometimes." I pulled his cheek and he groaned in pain.

"Alright, alright I'm up. Let me go." He said resisting.

I let go and kissed his forehead once he sat up, "Come on, today is the competition."

"Good, I don't want to stay in this stinking place any longer." He grumbled.

I got up, "Alright then pack your bags now, we'll head to the rink afterwards."

"Fine. You better watch me!" He yelled.

I leaned down and kissed his lips, "Of course, my eyes will only follow you, and you only."

He blushed, "Ah whatever!" He turned away.

I smiled and got Cloud putting him in his cage with his stuffed fish.

I put on some clean clothes and packed up the rest of them. Yuri was putting on his costume so he didn't have to in the lockers.

I grabbed his Russia jacket and went in front of him. He was looking down, mumbling.

"What are you mumbling about?" I asked and put the jacket around him.

His slowly put his arm through the sleeves, "Grandpa..." He looked up, "I won't let him down.

"I look forward to your performance." I smiled softly at him.

His looked soften and his hands found their way to my neck, with a strong jerk my lips met his.

I caressed his cheek and kissed him, he didn't seem to want to pull apart soon. He pushed harder on my lips, his soft lips trembled as he pulled away.

"I won't let you down, I swear, I'll get better, you'll see."

I smiled, "I'll be there to see it."

He put his head on my chest and heaved a sigh. "Okay, let's go."

I got our luggage and we went out the hot springs, I thanked the Katsukis for their hospitality and paid for our stay.

We walked to the ice rink, and the place seemed packed. We pushed our way to the lockers leaving our stuff there. Yuri sat immediately and began to put on his skates. He growled frustrated already before the performance.

I kneeled down and grabbed the laces to his skates and tied them, "I can do it myself, you know."

"You're too angry, relax." I said and finished with his laces. I offered my hand and he took it, pulling him up I intertwined our fingers.

He relaxed a bit, "We'll go back to Russia, you'll be with me. With or without Viktor I will win gold."

"That's my boy." I gave his hand a squeeze and his nodded. We began to stretch his limbs he winced when it went a bit too far, but he told me to kept putting pressure.

Finally we were at the rink, the crowd was wild cheering on Katsuki. I looked at Yuri, he seemed to try and calculate whatever his performance was.

I pet his head, "Do your best, I'll be waiting for you here. No matter the results."

He nodded and I unzipped the jacket letting it reveal the outfit he had underneath.

He sighed, "Okay, I'm ready."

I let him through and watched him skate his way to his position.

I leaned on the barrier holding his jacket and skating guards. He seemed different, of course, but once the music started it still was too much into his head. He looked like he was yelling at himself on the inside.

I stood up as he took his bow to the crowd. He skated out the rink, I put the jacket back on him and his expression was readable. He wasn't satisfied with his performance, I gave him a hug and he returned it. "I... I was too focused on the performance I couldn't focus on my agape." He said into my chest.

I sighed, "Don't worry, this was your best performance yet. You'll get better, you said you would."

He hummed and we went to the back of the crowd behind the barrier to watch Katsuki.

Midway, Yuri pulled on my sleeve, "Let's go."

I nodded and we went to the lockers to grab our things. "I didn't lose, not yet. That piggy will fall at the grand Prix, thanks to me." He angrily walked out.

One of Katsuki's friends tried to stop us to hear the results, but we didn't budge and went to a taxi.

In the taxi, I put up the one way glass. And that's when Yuri broke down, I hugged him and rubbed his back as he cried into my chest, blaming everything on Katsuki.

"It's all that damn piggy's fault, if only... If only he didn't get Viktor's attention..." He began to calm down.

He sniffed and sighed trying to even his breath, "I'll get better and make Viktor regret looking at that piggy. Make him regret not going through with his promise." He lightly hit my chest.

"And you'll be there, you and my grandpa! You'll see me win and you'll marry me!" He yelled.

The driver thankfully didn't know Russian. So it just sounds like he's scolding me.

I brushed his blonde hair out of his face, putting it behind his ear. "Yes I'll marry you, I promise you I will."

He sighed and laid his head back on my chest, "And you'll see my grandpa, we'll be happy." He mumbled.

"Mhm, I'll do that." I said.

"Good. I love you." His faced began to redden as he said that.

"I love you too, Yuri."

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