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For the last few weeks that Yuri kid would come everyday. Not that I didn't mind, but didn't this kid have to go to school or practice skating?

I looked over at the boy as he played around with the cats, my boss allowed me to bring Cloud so he wouldn't get lonely.

The cafe would be mostly quiet without many customers when Yuri came, and even if people came he would basically hide himself.

I sighed and went on my break, Cloud followed me to the booth I sat in. I picked him up, petting his little head.

"That cat is very attached to you." I turned to see Yuri carrying four cats in his arms.

"He is my cat, I bring him to work."
Cloud started meowing.

"Ah you're hungry..." I put him down.
"Excuse me, I need to feed the cats."

Yuri nodded and went back to the cats.

I got several bowls and poured cat kibble for the hungry felines.

The other staff were either spying on the Russian skater or cleaning up from the rush hour.

"Miwo! Do you need help?" The female co-worker asked me... I don't remember her name.

"Sure." I grabbed two bowls and went to the main part of the cafe placing the food down.

Cloud immediately ran to his food bowl. "You really were hungry." I pet my fluffy cat.

After bringing in all the bowls the cats all ate.

I leaned on the counter, "Five minutes left for my break." I sighed.

"You seem to love your job though." Yuri said.

"I love cats... And making things."

"I love cats too. I have one cat though it's name is Puma."

"Puma as in the wild animal?"

"Yeah, they're very fierce like my cat."

I laughed, "You really are a cat lover."

He blushed a bit and scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"Well my break is almost over, enjoy the rest of your stay at the Golden Cat Cafe." I put my apron on.

"W-Wait! When do you get off from work."

I looked at the boy, he looked very cute as he pouted and blushed.

"At 3 (15:00) pm."

He nodded, "I'll be waiting..." He then put his hood on and went out of the little cafe.

I smiled, "Such a cute kid."


I opened the door to the cafe and I got out, Cloud following after me.

"I told you I'd wait."

I saw the blonde standing next to the door with a mask on and hood covering most of his face.

I laughed, "Okay Cat boy."

He glared a bit. "I'm not Cat boy, it's Yuri."

"Cat boy fits you more." I picked up Cloud. "Well, where are you going?"

"I need to get home soon and put him back in my apartment."

"I'll go with you, then we could go out somewhere."

I sighed, "Alright Cat boy."


I opened my apartment door, "Here we are." I put Cloud down and he ran to my bedroom.

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